Poor Obama

Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that Barack Obama admitted he was tired during his trip to Oslo earlier this month to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, but this isn't the first time we've heard about how tired the president is.

In February, barely two weeks following his inauguration, Obama was already tired of being cooped up in the White House. Perhaps that was part of his motivation for shortly afterwards embarking on the nationwide "You're All Suckers Tour" he used to curry support for a phony stimulus bill. Just a month later, he was too tired to act appropriately for Gordon Brown's visit the White House.

So what do we know thus far?

The president was tired at the beginning of his term shortly after taking office, and now he's tired as he reaches the end of his first year in office. What happened in between? Well, we never heard how tired Obama was of the parties at the White House, his introduction to the D.C. social scene, the date nights with Michelle, the long weekends with the family, the fundraisers, the trips taken to give "historic" speeches, the late night talk show appearances, the golf outings, or the pickup basketball games.

But of course we didn't, because for him that all encapsulates the fun of being the President of the United States. What Obama finds tiring is the actual work of governing, work that he has tried to delegate as much as possible to others because he never really wanted or expected to have to buckle down and do it himself. But he's found out he can't always just give the fun speeches; you know, the ones he calls "historic". Sometimes he has to give the somber speeches, as in the cases of the terrorist attacks on Ft. Hood and Northwest Flight 253. Those aren't fun because that's just the president doing his job. Nor can it be fun for him that he's trying to reform an entire nation in his image, but the people of that nation are standing up to him and saying "No!"  So what we have here is a president who's not having only the fun he had hoped for and he's tired as a result.

Obama is tired because he thought we were going to let him socialize this country as quickly as possible and then he and Reggie Love could get back to their riveting games of H-O-R-S-E.  Perhaps he can try to take solace in the old proverb, "no one is tired on the day on the victory", but for him victory is a long way away. I understand his frustration. Mr. President, in case you didn't know, the American people are a resilient bunch, but we are tired too. Let's work together to put Hope and Change to bed.

J.C. Arenas is a frequent contributor to American Thinker and welcomes your comments at jcarenas.com
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