NASA's 'non-response' response to CEI FOIA suit

As we reported earlier , the Competitive Enterprise Institute, after years of being snowed by NASA over FOIA requests to see data on climate change, will file suit to force NASA to open its books if they don't get the information before the end of the year.

NASA flunky Mark Hess gave this response, as noted in this Washington Times piece by Steve Dinan:

Mark Hess, public affairs director for the Goddard Space Flight Center, which runs the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) laboratory, said officials are working on Mr. Horner's request, though he couldn't say why they have taken so long.

"We're collecting the information and will respond with all the responsive relevant information to all of his requests," Mr. Hess said. "It's just a process you have to go through where you have to collect data that's responsive."

CEI has been trying for almost three years to get the information which means either NASA is stonewalling or they have a bunch of hamsters looking for the data.

With NASA, you never know...

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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