Harry the Red-Faced Leader

Since Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has indicated that he'll make the Senate work through Christmas Eve in an attempt to pass a "health care" reform bill. Harry warrants a special Christmas tune:

You know Schumer and Durbin,

And Barney and Nancy

Waxman and Stupid (insert any leftist of your choice)

And Boxer and Kerry

But do you recall

The most famous failure of all?

Harry the red-faced leader

Has a very tiny brain

And if you ever heard him

You would get a great big pain

All of the saner voters

Worked hard to get rid of him

They never want ole Harry

Back in D.C. ever again

Then one foggy Christmas Eve

Barack came to say

Harry with your brain so light

Can you pass this bill tonight?

Then all the leftists blamed him

And they shouted where and when

Harry the red-faced leader

You'll go down in 2010.

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