Happy Holidays - The Chicago Way

The city of Chicago, under Mayor Richard Daley, has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. The city's former community organizer in chief now leads the country.

So how could this headline  from the local CBS station WBBM, with constant slight variations, lead the news day after day, week after week?

9 Slain In Bloody Holiday Weekend
2 Incidents Of Murder-Suicide On Friday Alone

It was a violent and deadly holiday weekend in the Chicago area, with nine people reported slain between Wednesday and Sunday nights.

Most of these incidents occurred in the city's war zone--and make no mistake, it is a war zone--violent, dangerous neighborhoods infested with much poverty and many dysfunctional families, accompanied by high crime rates, low scholastic achievement and all types of government and/or private welfare.

Oh, I get it! Only criminals are allowed to purchase guns, law abiding citizens cannot. 

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