Arnold's 'stone age' fantasies

The "Terminator" who morphed into the "Governator" of California is now the "Warminator!"

Arnold Schwarzenegger is anointing "the Golden State" the Big Green Success Story.  All that stuff about leaked emails and 20 years of faked graphs and "losing" all the original data which supported the fraud of global warming isn't in the  "happy ending" in his book.

Anyone who doesn't get on board with "global warming" and Arnold Schwarzenegger is in the "Stone Age."

Nothing if not a crowd-pleaser, the Republican-In-Name-Only California governor found a warm reception at the big Kool-Aid stand at the Arctic Circle.   The United Nations Climate Change Conference crowd in Copenhagen laughed and clapped at all the right places in the well-worn Schwarzen-shtick:   "I'm here to pump you up!" and   "I'll be back!" 

 (Listen to the whole thing, yada and yada.)

Some excerpts of the Schwarzen-braggen in Copenhagen:

In California, we are implementing a law to cut our greenhouse-gas emissions 25 percent by the year 2020. We approved the world's first Low Carbon Fuel Standard and tailpipe emissions standards, which the Obama administration has now adopted.

We have gone out and formed partnerships with other states, provinces, and cities in America, Canada, China, Mexico, and Europe. And right now we are working with the United Nations to assist developing countries, especially in Africa.

Call me a Neanderthal, Governor, but didn't you just approve the largest set of tax hikes in state history to solve a $24 billion dollar deficit in 2009? 

Just a few months later, aren't we already in another $21 billion dollar budget shortfall, possibly heading to half a trillion dollars in the red? 

Just in time for Christmas shopping, isn't the state of California taking an extra 10% of income tax out of everyone's paycheck and calling it an interest-free "loan" to the state budget?

More Schwarzenegger in Hopenhagen:

We can create a new economic foundation for the 21st century that is built on clean fuels, clean cars, and clean energy.

Today, California leads the United States with more than 125,000 green jobs. In fact, over the past decade, green jobs in California have grown at nearly triple the rate of total job growth.

Let me double-check for my opposable thumb, Governor, but California's unemployment has gone from 4.8% in 2006 to 12.5% last month.   The state fund to pay unemployment benefits to all the jobless millions in California is $7.4 billion short.

There was another big Schwarzenegger hit movie in the 90s, but the governor never seems to quote from that one.  It was called, "True Lies."


 Jane Jamison is publisher of the conservative news and commentary blog,

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