A thank you note from Nebraska

To you kind folks in the other 49 states:

Thanks for covering us on this Medicaid thing! We Nebraskans have always believed in pulling our own weight and paying our own way. But hey...this is just SO much better! Therefore, we'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all you folks from Alabama through Wyoming for your generous gift.

Now, please don't misunderstand, we're not big on accepting charity. But this generous offer has been SUCH a surprise...just a REAL nice surprise...

So since you mentioned it, we also have this little list we put together with a few additional items that we could use some more help with. These would really help to make this a truly special Christmas:

Education Assistance
Public Health and Safety Enforcement
Workplace Safety Enforcement
Transportation Infrastructure Upkeep
Homeland Security Costs, including Terrorism Risk Insurance
National Guard Payroll and Training Costs
Hazardous Waste Cleanup

These are just a few ideas. Please feel free to add any other items (unfunded federal mandates) that might be pulling on your heart-strings. Oh, and Iowa, we were wondering: Would you mind clearing our roads next time we get some serious snow?

So thank you so much, you non-Nebraska states. And just to show our gratitude - if it's ok with you, when you're done with this list, we'd like you to add something for yourselves...something REAL nice!

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