American Thinker Blog
December 31, 2009
Charges against Blackwater guards thrown outDecember 31, 2009
New study finds no rise in atmosphere share of CO2December 31, 2009
Mainstream Media ignore journalist subpoenaed on leakDecember 31, 2009
A World Without Rush?December 31, 2009
AP ignores Arab surname of Finnish shooter while urging more gun controlDecember 31, 2009
Do we need an American Putin?December 31, 2009
Even Maureen Dowd dissatisfied with ObamaDecember 31, 2009
All about PETNDecember 31, 2009
Looking back and looking forwardDecember 31, 2009
Rush in hospital after chest painsDecember 31, 2009
Your education dollars at workDecember 31, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 31, 2009December 31, 2009
Obama moves to eliminate superdelegatesDecember 31, 2009
What the government knew about the underwear bomber's plansDecember 31, 2009
France's Constitutional Council rules carbon tax illegalDecember 31, 2009
Schooling the president on what is a 'terrorist act'December 31, 2009
Obama the DisrupterDecember 30, 2009
Alaska to get Sarah Palin's dream gas pipeline throughCanadaDecember 30, 2009
Poor ObamaDecember 30, 2009
A few choice words to the airlines over new security measuresDecember 30, 2009
Please search me next time I board a planeDecember 30, 2009
FDIC as QUANGO (quasi autonomous non-governmental organization)?December 30, 2009
We don't need no stinkin' profiling (updated)December 30, 2009
Lethal NonsenseDecember 30, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 30, 2009December 30, 2009
A slowly dawning realizationDecember 30, 2009
Top Ten reasons it took Obama 3 days to respond to terror attemptDecember 30, 2009
Strange priorities in ObamalandDecember 30, 2009
We were warnedDecember 30, 2009
They can't paper this one overDecember 30, 2009
'Secondhand Hate'December 29, 2009
The Bizarro PresidentDecember 29, 2009
A special 2 hour 'Year in Review' on Moran's showDecember 29, 2009
Napolitano in contextDecember 29, 2009
Pelosi's very private Hawaii vacationDecember 29, 2009
NYT finally acknowledges ChristmasDecember 29, 2009
High end art prices skyrocketingDecember 29, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 29, 2009December 29, 2009
The Napolitano strategy for dealing with 'underwear bombers'December 29, 2009
CAIR on profilingDecember 29, 2009
The lack of climate skeptics on PBS's 'Newshour'December 29, 2009
The left embraces 'Avatar'December 29, 2009
Sebelius reveals stealth abortion funding in senate billDecember 29, 2009
The Man Who Never WasDecember 29, 2009
Why Doesn't California have an 'Earthquake Early Warning' System?December 29, 2009
On Death Panels and Death TrapsDecember 28, 2009
Two airplane bomb plotters released from GItmoDecember 28, 2009
The Baucus drunken tiradeDecember 28, 2009
Obama administration security lapses: incompetence or willful ignorance?December 28, 2009
Time to resurrect the term limits movementDecember 28, 2009
If the terrorist had been a ChristianDecember 28, 2009
Kerry's possible trip to Iran would be a boon to the regimeDecember 28, 2009
Specter on 'bi-partisanship'December 28, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 28, 2009December 28, 2009
Politicizing the terror attackDecember 28, 2009
Finally - a statement on Iran from someone in the US governmentDecember 28, 2009
First person account of flight #253December 28, 2009
DOJ Voting rights chief fired. Prosecuted New Black PanthersDecember 28, 2009
Iranian Military Moves to Support the 'People's Revolution'December 27, 2009
Taking airline security seriouslyDecember 27, 2009
Napolitano: 'The system worked'December 27, 2009
Percy Sutton dies; His Obama revelation omitted from obituariesDecember 27, 2009
WaPo fails to note religious motivation of terroristDecember 27, 2009
November 2010: Too little, too lateDecember 27, 2009
Iranian street protests escalate, media and Obama administration yawnDecember 27, 2009
Bomber all smiles at prelim hearingDecember 27, 2009
Steyn on 'Let's Roll II'December 27, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 27, 2009December 27, 2009
Not one nickel for CaliforniaDecember 27, 2009
Opposition says 4 Iran protestors killed in demonstrationsDecember 27, 2009
How did the bomber get a visa when he's on the terror watch list?December 27, 2009
Terrorism? What terrorism, asks media?December 26, 2009
What About Holding People Accountable?December 26, 2009
WaPo expunging Palestinian terrorDecember 26, 2009
Dear Hillary, Return to your Office!December 26, 2009
Details emerge of hero passenger's actions on Flight #253December 26, 2009
Dishonesty or Delusion?December 26, 2009
Looks like something big is up in IsraelDecember 26, 2009
Chavez to foreign automakers: share your technology or get outDecember 26, 2009
Save the planet! Eat your pet!December 26, 2009
Senate blue dogs dig in their heels on health care reformDecember 26, 2009
Taliban releases video of captured GIDecember 26, 2009
Luck, not screening, saved Flight 253December 26, 2009
Avatar's New and Improved AnthropologyDecember 26, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 26, 2009December 26, 2009
US Consular car refuses Israeli inspectionDecember 26, 2009
Solving the al-Awlaki problemDecember 26, 2009
Pivot to the center, Mr. President - Bill DaleyDecember 26, 2009
Cuban government lets Obama have itDecember 26, 2009
2010: The year that wasDecember 25, 2009
Jimmy Carter's Fake ApologyDecember 25, 2009
Madoff's health careDecember 25, 2009
Is the mandate to buy health insurance constitutional?December 25, 2009
White House unleashes vicious partsian attack over heatlh care voteDecember 25, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 25, 2009December 25, 2009
'Top 10 List of Things You Don't Want From Health Care Reform This Christmas -- But Will Get Anyway From Congress.'December 25, 2009
Was Bernie Madoff beaten up in prison?December 25, 2009
A very Merry Christmas for Fannie and Freddie execsDecember 25, 2009
Christmas in America - then and nowDecember 25, 2009
A Christmas Message from Lloyd MarcusDecember 25, 2009
Two happy outcomes for kids in court at ChristmasDecember 25, 2009
The audacity of unchecked corruptionDecember 25, 2009
Have a happy, white elephant ChristmasDecember 25, 2009
Pelosi-CareDecember 24, 2009
Jimmy Carter: Still unforgivenDecember 24, 2009
IRS and fraudulent tax refundsDecember 24, 2009
The Passing of AmericaDecember 24, 2009
Obamacare a pallbearer for American freedom?December 24, 2009
Senate passes healthcare takeover billDecember 24, 2009
The hidden costs of ObamacareDecember 24, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 24, 2009December 24, 2009
Rep. Parker Griffith - more Benedict Arnold than Edmund BurkeDecember 24, 2009
The moral meltdown on Capitol HillDecember 24, 2009
Aussies fight political correctness at ChristmasDecember 24, 2009
Taxpayer Christmas gifts to Senator Dodd's campaignDecember 24, 2009
Obama Fouls His Own NestDecember 24, 2009
A Nation of ThievesDecember 24, 2009
'Twas The Night Before Christmas in Washington'December 24, 2009
A thank you note from NebraskaDecember 23, 2009
Dealing with human dignityDecember 23, 2009
Five reasons why containing a nuclear Iran won't workDecember 23, 2009
J Street and its Saudi friendsDecember 23, 2009
Does the Reid bill unconstitutionally turn private health insurers into public utilities?December 23, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 23, 2009December 23, 2009
You have to watch these guys every minuteDecember 23, 2009
'For Sale: One senator (D-Neb.) No principles, low price.'December 23, 2009
Yes, Virginia there was a Santa Claus.December 23, 2009
New delay in moving Gitmo detaineesDecember 23, 2009
Latest Obama poll from RasmussenDecember 23, 2009
Christmas, 2009December 23, 2009
Harry Reid's problem with basic mathDecember 23, 2009
Court battle begins over Nelson Medicare goody in ObamacareDecember 23, 2009
Master of the HouseDecember 23, 2009
Legislating discriminationDecember 22, 2009
Monica Showalter, James Lewis on Moran's ShowDecember 22, 2009
Blue Dog Bail-Out?December 22, 2009
The Leftwing finds a use for Christmas after allDecember 22, 2009
The American Poker GameDecember 22, 2009
Warmists versus petsDecember 22, 2009
Climate change row breaks out between UK and ChinaDecember 22, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 22, 2009December 22, 2009
Bonus goodie in reform bill: 26 new opportunities for trial lawyers to sue doctorsDecember 22, 2009
Harry Reid slips in a bombshell for Obamacare foesDecember 22, 2009
Jimmy Carter: UnforgivenDecember 22, 2009
Are we 'Refighting the last War' in Afghanistan?December 22, 2009
Those who 'strongly disapprove' of Obama performance equals Bush numbersDecember 22, 2009
What Michael Mann wanted to say in his WaPo op-edDecember 22, 2009
About that Democratc 'victory' in health care reform...December 22, 2009
'Good King Barry'December 21, 2009
Dodd got a health care reform goodie tooDecember 21, 2009
'Twas the Night before Obamacare'December 21, 2009
Our Heart to Lord Christopher MoncktonDecember 21, 2009
Obama agrees to 'cap' the global temperature riseDecember 21, 2009
Massive opposition turnout for Montazeri funeralDecember 21, 2009
Axelrod on Meet the Press: Reform is NirvanaDecember 21, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 21, 2009December 21, 2009
Samuelson: healthcare reform a 'Nightmare for Obama'December 21, 2009
'I'm just like everyone else...' - AhmadinejadDecember 21, 2009
Please buy carbon offsets for the Philippine volcanoDecember 21, 2009
Nelson's 'reprehensible' deal makingDecember 21, 2009
Some background on Obama's Copenhagen failureDecember 21, 2009
Dems kow-tow to teacher's union - kill successful DC voucher progamDecember 21, 2009
Widening the achievement gapDecember 20, 2009
Lifson and Baehr guest-hosting Dennis Miller Show MondayDecember 20, 2009
Whistling in the DarkDecember 20, 2009
Did FBI leaker target Rep. Harman?December 20, 2009
Iranian dissident cleric Montazeri diesDecember 20, 2009
Reid gets his 60 votes - the Chicago WayDecember 20, 2009
Nelson not the only senator to accept health care reform bribeDecember 20, 2009
IPCC chief benefits financially from his own rulingsDecember 20, 2009
For AGW religionists, when in doubt, change the factsDecember 20, 2009
Obama in Copenhagen: Where's the inside story?December 20, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 20, 2009December 20, 2009
The coming doctor shortageDecember 20, 2009
Harry the Red-Faced LeaderDecember 20, 2009
Snowball fight with Al GoreDecember 20, 2009
Why we need tort reformDecember 19, 2009
The High Price of Ben Nelson's Low VoteDecember 19, 2009
Flame-out in CopenhagenDecember 19, 2009
Grayson: Take TwoDecember 19, 2009
Dem nutcase congressman demands Holder jail political opponentDecember 19, 2009
Nelson on board health care reform (updated)December 19, 2009
Obama, the laughingstockDecember 19, 2009
Hentoff on ObamaDecember 19, 2009
Tales of the Stim billDecember 19, 2009
Axelrod goes after Ben NelsonDecember 19, 2009
They're laughing at usDecember 19, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 19, 2009December 19, 2009
Send a 'No health care reform' Christmas card to your senatorDecember 19, 2009
Eric Holder's continuing war on the Bush AdministrationDecember 18, 2009
'Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow'December 18, 2009
Reid's Manager's Amendment posted, Dems get 60 votesDecember 18, 2009
An Escalading trendDecember 18, 2009
Global warming is in deep manureDecember 18, 2009
The end of liberalism?December 18, 2009
Baehr essentialsDecember 18, 2009
Obamabots losing faith in Fearless Leader?December 18, 2009
Health care reform: Is it soup yet?December 18, 2009
All you need to know about CopenhagenDecember 18, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 18, 2009December 18, 2009
Pelosi's 'angry mobs'December 18, 2009
Rockets to rosesDecember 18, 2009
Reports of the recession's demise are greatly exaggeratedDecember 18, 2009
Government sending mixed messages to banksDecember 18, 2009
Fannie and Freddie back in the bailout lineDecember 18, 2009
'Spare me your anguish, Mr. President'December 18, 2009
Israel as the coal miner's canaryDecember 17, 2009
Democrats Violate 200-Year-Old Standing Senate RulesDecember 17, 2009
Stem Cell Promises vs. Stem Cell ResultsDecember 17, 2009
John Edwards may be in legal hot water for speaking to potential grand jury witnessDecember 17, 2009
Obama says government will go bankrupt unless health care reform is passedDecember 17, 2009
Pakistani military harassing US diplomatsDecember 17, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 17, 2009December 17, 2009
China defends human progress in CopenhagenDecember 17, 2009
No love blossoming in Saudi ArabiaDecember 17, 2009
The 'ghost in the room' at CopenhagenDecember 17, 2009
Obama goes from one disaster in DC to another in CopenhagenDecember 17, 2009
The war on the dollar escalatesDecember 17, 2009
236 year anniversary of the Boston Tea PartyDecember 17, 2009
Imagine...John Lennon was a conservativeDecember 16, 2009
The anti-Zoinist ethos of the New York TimesDecember 16, 2009
Russians drop another Climategate bombshellDecember 16, 2009
Chuck Schumer calls flight attendant 'Bitch'December 16, 2009
Nuptial warmingDecember 16, 2009
How the Dems hide the cost of the health care billDecember 16, 2009
Where's that deathly ill Lockerbie bomber?December 16, 2009
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's new lookDecember 16, 2009
Even without the public option, reform still stinksDecember 16, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 16, 2009December 16, 2009
Joe Biden's funny job numbersDecember 16, 2009
'New York Times, 128 years of looming polar doom: 'December 16, 2009
Arnold's 'stone age' fantasiesDecember 16, 2009
Liberals threaten breast cancer researchDecember 16, 2009
Dear Gitmo terrorists: Welcome to Thomson; temperature - 7 above.December 16, 2009
Gore's end run around the press in CopenhagenDecember 15, 2009
Charlie Martin, Larrey Anderson on Moran's showDecember 15, 2009
The 'Great and Historic' Bank RobberyDecember 15, 2009
The dislocation of judicial discernmentDecember 15, 2009
Getting a lump for ChristmasDecember 15, 2009
Americans believe fighting global warming will help the economyDecember 15, 2009
Google honors EsperantoDecember 15, 2009
Copenhagen doesn't need Climategate to self-destructDecember 15, 2009
Medicare buy-in will likely disappear from senate billDecember 15, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 15, 2009December 15, 2009
The 'Iran can be contained' fallacyDecember 15, 2009
'Gitmo by the lake'December 15, 2009
A new 'Stimulus diet plan' to fight obesityDecember 15, 2009
Faith based global warmingDecember 15, 2009
Oops! ...He Did It AgainDecember 15, 2009
Another look at defunding ACORNDecember 14, 2009
'Did AmeriCorps official lie about possible First Lady link to IG firing?'December 14, 2009
CMS writing Obamacare's obituaryDecember 14, 2009
Using taxpayer money to subsidize electoral victoryDecember 14, 2009
More House Dems leavingDecember 14, 2009
'The world must take action on climate change at Copenhagen even if the science is not correct:' Tony Blair (updated)December 14, 2009
US still tops in health careDecember 14, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 14, 2009December 14, 2009
Obama gives himself a 'B' in Oprah interviewDecember 14, 2009
Lieberman says 'No' to Reid on health care reformDecember 14, 2009
A second "Miracle of the Oil" this Hanukah seasonDecember 14, 2009
"Smoking gun" Iranian document proves military component to nuke programDecember 14, 2009
Democrats more likely to believe in ghostsDecember 14, 2009
Anti-missile systems to be based in PolandDecember 13, 2009
PC bureaucrats making themselves look really stupidDecember 13, 2009
Rasmussen shows continued slippage for ObamaDecember 13, 2009
Ahmadinejad to speak at climate conferenceDecember 13, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 13, 2009December 13, 2009
Judge blocks ACORN funding banDecember 13, 2009
EPA carbon regs may derail cap and tradeDecember 13, 2009
Sign of the times: ObamavillesDecember 13, 2009
The epidemic of Christian persecution in Muslim countriesDecember 13, 2009
Tea Party patriots reminiscent of Jewish MaccabeesDecember 13, 2009
An Iranian military ultimatum to the regime?December 13, 2009
Sen. Landrieu's deep thoughts on national health insuranceDecember 13, 2009
Government employees cashing in under ObamaDecember 13, 2009
The White House 'War on Billionaires'December 12, 2009
Newspaper industry trade journal to cease publicationDecember 12, 2009
Is Obama finding humility?December 12, 2009
Sarah Palin visits Conan O'Brien on the Tonight Show (video)December 12, 2009
Soros climate change activity benefits his hedge fund investmentsDecember 12, 2009
$2 billion in Iranian assets secretly frozenDecember 12, 2009
Why such joy over Tiger Woods' humiliation?December 12, 2009
Leftists want to push China's 'one child' policy on the rest of the worldDecember 12, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 12, 2009December 12, 2009
Yes, the last decade saw global cooling, not warmingDecember 12, 2009
We should all think more like Michelle ObamaDecember 12, 2009
Tom Friedman's global warming conflict of interest (Updated)December 12, 2009
No 'Fail Safe' systems in NorwayDecember 12, 2009
How Obama could actually earn his Nobel PrizeDecember 11, 2009
When the UN's involved: Follow the MoneyDecember 11, 2009
'Social justice' comes to North Korea?December 11, 2009
Krauthammer: Green is the new redDecember 11, 2009
UK catering to Israel-hatersDecember 11, 2009
Health care reform by hook or by crookDecember 11, 2009
Ultimate 'stimulus' hypocrisyDecember 11, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 11, 2009December 11, 2009
Obama didn't get his Nobel for economicsDecember 11, 2009
Is it time for a moratorium on immigration?December 11, 2009
The White House 'Open Government' initiativeDecember 11, 2009
Kofi Annan - public nuisanceDecember 11, 2009
Property rights under six-pronged assaultDecember 11, 2009
A lament for truthDecember 11, 2009
Soros Think Tank: 'How dare those billionaires get mixed up in policy!'December 10, 2009
Will Charlie Gibson leave another scandal to the 'Cables'?December 10, 2009
Democrat Trivial PursuitDecember 10, 2009
What Did Obama's People Say to the King of Norway?December 10, 2009
Climategate gaining traction - even in New JerseyDecember 10, 2009
Obama's surprising Nobel speechDecember 10, 2009
Jeffery Immelt's Convenient ReligionDecember 10, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 10, 2009December 10, 2009
How stupid is the Medicare buy-in idea?December 10, 2009
Your stimulus tax dollars at work - sort of.December 10, 2009
Obama snubs Norwegian kingDecember 10, 2009
Freedom from responsibility; the Hierarchy of NeedsDecember 10, 2009
Jewish support for Obama continues to fallDecember 10, 2009
Climate science in Flyover CountryDecember 10, 2009
Why would Sarah Palin rate Obama a '4'?December 10, 2009
Climategate gives skeptics a 'window of opportunity'December 10, 2009
Up is down, less is more, cold is hotDecember 9, 2009
Dick Cheney is more compassionate than Nancy PelosiDecember 9, 2009
Great ExpectationsDecember 9, 2009
'I'm a Believer'December 9, 2009
Moody's lowers Illinois bond ratingDecember 9, 2009
TSA leaves online love note for al-QaedaDecember 9, 2009
Palin urges Obama to forgo Copenhagen visitDecember 9, 2009
Democrats reach broad agreement on health care reformDecember 9, 2009
'While there is a Rupee left...'December 9, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 9, 2009December 9, 2009
Heaven Forfend! 'Thomas and Friends' is conservativeDecember 9, 2009
230 physicists, including a Nobel Laureate, sign petition on ClimategateDecember 9, 2009
Double standard for a DemDecember 9, 2009
I just shoveled 6 inches of global warming off my drivewayDecember 9, 2009
Imagine if Climategate were about cancer researchDecember 8, 2009
Monica Showalter, Rich Baehr, and Ed Lasky on Moran's showDecember 8, 2009
Saudis want independent investigation of ClimategateDecember 8, 2009
The sound of silenceDecember 8, 2009
Leaked or Hacked? The CRU Files Tell the StoryDecember 8, 2009
Chris Matthews slams wrong authorDecember 8, 2009
Is the Holder DoJ imploding?December 8, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 8, 2009December 8, 2009
Criminalizing profit?December 8, 2009
'Homegrown' Muslim extremists seen as major threatDecember 8, 2009
The Red SeaDecember 8, 2009
NPR pressures correspondent over her Fox News appearancesDecember 8, 2009
Former Massachusetts AG 'clears' ACORNDecember 8, 2009
Harry Reid compares health care reform opponents to slavery supportersDecember 8, 2009
David Horowitz and 'A Cracking of the Heart'December 8, 2009
Palin now as popular as ObamaDecember 7, 2009
Mystic Chords of MemoryDecember 7, 2009
Dismissing Climategate, EPA Moves Forward on CO2 RegulationDecember 7, 2009
OK everyone, take a deep breath...and hold itDecember 7, 2009
Obama's fantasies about the press now go beyond Fox NewsDecember 7, 2009
Media complicity in ClimategateDecember 7, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 7, 2009December 7, 2009
The mainstream media not covering the mainstreamDecember 7, 2009
NOW objects to 'Bo-Tax'December 7, 2009
Text of Sarah Palin's Gridiron Dinner speechDecember 7, 2009
Update on Fort Hood heroineDecember 7, 2009
A brilliant idea from the Wall Street Journal on creating jobsDecember 7, 2009
Go green? 1200 limos, 54 private jets converge on CopenhagenDecember 7, 2009
Gaming Iran scenarios; a Kobayashi Maru test?December 6, 2009
Professor slain by Saudi grad studentDecember 6, 2009
In defense of conservative menDecember 6, 2009
Olympics Redux: Obama changes Copenhagen travel plansDecember 6, 2009
Palin jabs McCain, press, at Gridiron DinnerDecember 6, 2009
Rep. Nadler supports KSM trial in ManhattanDecember 6, 2009
Export-Import bank opposes Iran sanctionsDecember 6, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 6, 2009December 6, 2009
The Copenhagen two-stepDecember 6, 2009
Some recommended actions in the wake of ClimategateDecember 6, 2009
Members of American Physical Society takes a stand against scientific fraudDecember 5, 2009
Baucus will do anything for loveDecember 5, 2009
The Democrats' idea of 'free and open debate' on climate changeDecember 5, 2009
Copenhagen Prostitutes strike back against banDecember 5, 2009
Another 'success' story for the Saudi terrorist rehab programDecember 5, 2009
Gatecrashers HypocrisyDecember 5, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 5, 2009December 5, 2009
Harry Reid faces huge problems back homeDecember 5, 2009
Gore cancels Copenhagen lectureDecember 5, 2009
A list of 12 very bad ideasDecember 5, 2009
Britain's government meteorlogical office to review temp recordDecember 5, 2009
Political lexicon 101December 4, 2009
AGW not stopped yetDecember 4, 2009
Army Instructors in Islamic culture go back to Reagan's timeDecember 4, 2009
NASA's Hansen urges Copenhagen 'collapse'December 4, 2009
Violence against Muslims downDecember 4, 2009
Head of UN climate body wants climategate inquiryDecember 4, 2009
'Instructor' at Fort Hood has ties to terror financing groupDecember 4, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 4, 2009December 4, 2009
AT Readers Asked to Poll Senators on ClimategateDecember 4, 2009
Karzai offers to negotiate with TalibanDecember 4, 2009
Obama gets no more threats than Bush, ClintonDecember 4, 2009
Sarah Palin weighs in on ClimategateDecember 4, 2009
Economy sheds far fewer jobs than expectedDecember 4, 2009
Where is she now?December 4, 2009
Is the AP trying to sow discord between the US and Canada?December 4, 2009
White House invokes separation of powers in gate crashers caseDecember 4, 2009
Dem retirees present GOP with golden opportunitiesDecember 4, 2009
The great fallout (a poem)December 4, 2009
Earth Day, 1970: Twenty years to live!December 3, 2009
CRU's Phil Jones thrown under the busDecember 3, 2009
Climategate will 'derail' Copenhagen agreement - delegateDecember 3, 2009
JCS Chairman and Rumsfeld at odds over historyDecember 3, 2009
How far will Ayers turn against Obama?December 3, 2009
My Neighborhood Jobs Summit (satire)December 3, 2009
CRU scandal investigation broadensDecember 3, 2009
WaPo portrays Jerusalem Palestinians as beleaguredDecember 3, 2009
Sen. DeMint Has Yet to Comment on ClimategateDecember 3, 2009
Doctors deserting the presidentDecember 3, 2009
Voters who identify as Democrats falls 5% for the yearDecember 3, 2009
Obama's surrender will end in bloodDecember 3, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 3, 2009December 3, 2009
AfPak response to Obama's speech; fearDecember 3, 2009
'Welcome to the Piltdown Institute of Mann-Made Global Warming'December 3, 2009
NASA's 'non-response' response to CEI FOIA suitDecember 3, 2009
Deceit of Biblical proportionsDecember 3, 2009
Pervasive impact of GHG scamDecember 3, 2009
Boxer: 'Not Climategate; E-Mail theftgateDecember 3, 2009
Sen. Hutchison Remains Silent on ClimategateDecember 3, 2009
Putting debt into perspectiveDecember 2, 2009
Speculating about Barbara BoxerDecember 2, 2009
A Disservice to the TruthDecember 2, 2009
Riding Out the Obama SurgeDecember 2, 2009
A military mother's take on the president's speechDecember 2, 2009
The lame leftist talking points on climategateDecember 2, 2009
Cop killer hailed as 'Muslim martyr'December 2, 2009
Free speech for me - not for theeDecember 2, 2009
Climategate and Gore mocked by Jon StewartDecember 2, 2009
Blue Dog Tanner to retireDecember 2, 2009
A Christmas-free zone at the NYTDecember 2, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 2, 2009December 2, 2009
A 'strange venue' - for a liberalDecember 2, 2009
Is there an endless supply of oil?December 2, 2009
It's the ideology, stupid.December 2, 2009
Climategate: Heads begin to rollDecember 2, 2009
Gingrich statement on ClimategateDecember 2, 2009
Iraqi shoe thrower receives some just desertsDecember 2, 2009
The tingle in Chris Matthews leg goes to his brainDecember 2, 2009
Code Pink swings into action - against ObamaDecember 1, 2009
Sen. Lindsey Responds to Query Concerning ClimategateDecember 1, 2009
Anarchy HighDecember 1, 2009
Stuck On Stupid ... AgainDecember 1, 2009
Clarice Feldman, Dan Reihl, Alberto de la Cruz on Moran's showDecember 1, 2009
Phil Jones reportedly steps down pending climategate investigationDecember 1, 2009
Sound as a dollar?December 1, 2009
'Harmless' gate crasher?December 1, 2009
Alienation growing on campusDecember 1, 2009
Reconciliation fandango on ObamaCareDecember 1, 2009
GE's very special media propertiesDecember 1, 2009
The wonderful, magical, make believe world of Paul KrugmanDecember 1, 2009
Graph of the Day for December 1, 2009December 1, 2009
NIAC's Parsi recipient of award from left-wing fundDecember 1, 2009
Happy Holidays - The Chicago WayDecember 1, 2009
NY Times Science blogger: CRU emails show smug groupthink and hypeDecember 1, 2009
ACORN ponders name changeDecember 1, 2009
Obama's Afganistan speech before the 'Long Gray Line'December 1, 2009 spinoff group opposes Bernanke reappointmentDecember 1, 2009
The hidden truth
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