Obama hints he may not run in 2012

Yes, I know. The chances of this guy giving up office are pretty close to zero.

But the reason I'm highlighting this piece by Steve Kraske from Prime Buzz is twofold; 1) Obama is trying to preempt charges of failure with the "I did the best I could but the problems were just too big" excuse; and 2) this is Obama at his whiny worst:

"You know, if - if I feel like I've made the very best decisions for the American people and three years from now I look at it and, you know, my poll numbers are in the tank and because we've gone through these wrenching changes, you know, politically, I'm in a tough spot, I'll - I'll feel all right about myself," Obama told CNN's Ed Henry.

"I said to myself very early on, even when I started running for office, I don't want to be making decisions based on getting re-elected, because I think the challenges that America faces right now are so significant," the president also said.

"Obviously, if I make those decisions and I think that I'm moving the country on the right direction economically, in terms of our security interests, our foreign policy, I'd like to think that those policies are continued because they're not going to bear fruit just in four years."

But in the next breath the president quickly sounded like someone who would relish taking his case to the American people in 2012, saying he's tackling big issues like health care and Iran that he's confident will bear fruit in the future.

What a crock. Is there anyone except fully infected Obamabots and children under the age of 5 who believe him when he says "I don't want to be making decisions based on getting re-elected?" That is really embarrassing for him to think the American people are that stupid.

But what struck me was that this whole statement is a whine. Obama thought that his magical voice would quell all dissent, and lead us into an era of happy face, goo goo eyed unity based on what a darn nice fellow he is and that he means well. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, he and his henchmen would manipulate the news, threaten, undermine, and savage his foes, in order to get his agenda passed.

People are seeing through this shtick and his numbers are tanking. So he strikes a preemptive blow while trying to engender sympathy by playing the noble politician eschewing re-election in order to do what's best for the American people.

This horse's patoot will find even his precious Obamabots beginning to wonder about his magic if he can't get what he wants in health care reform. But that doesn't appear very likely at this point. Reid has bribed, twisted arms, and kicked a few fannies and now stands ready to pass the senate version of reform.

There's always the chance it could fail in conference. But the Democrats have come this far and it seems likely they will go all the way and pass something that Obama can brag about when he runs in 2012.

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