Maybe if we apologized with greater deference

Tom Maguire notes the president's preposterous statement about the shooting at Fort Hood to the effect that there should be no backlash against Moslems - -a common refrain among the left at each of these outrages and one without any factual basis for such concern.

And then he brings his sights to focus on the New York Times:
The Times also delivers their own absurd 'blame the victims' perspective:

Mr. Obama has made it a goal of his presidency to repair relations with Muslims around the world; in a major speech in Cairo this year, he called for a "new beginning" with the Muslim world. The shootings at Fort Hood, however, pose a different problem for the president, by shining a spotlight on the tensions Muslims feel inside the United States.

Pardon me?  This incident spotlighted the tensions felt by Muslims in the U.S.?  Please - if investigators had discovered that Hasan had recorded a Glenn Beck segment on his TiVo the Times would be fretting about a rising tide of right wing extremism.

Some dots just can't be connected.
I expect Tom and I aren't the only ones who find this refrain insulting and ridiculous, This is not Backwardistan where even rumors of a blasphemous cartoon draw bloodthirsty throngs into the streets. And it is passing strange how so much of the media and left are willing, without any evidence, continually to tar their conservative political opponents as bloodthirsty avengers, and the real murderers as innocent victims.
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