Mark Steyn: Hasan was hiding in plain sight

The inestimable Mr. Steyn is agog with our intel and defense agencies that knew about Nidal Hasan, knew that he was in communication with a radical cleric, knew he was a jihadist - and didn't do a damn thing to stop him. Writing in the OC Register:

Two joint terrorism task forces became aware almost a year ago that Maj. Hasan was in regular e-mail contact with Anwar al-Awlaqi, the American-born but now Yemeni-based cleric who served as imam to three of the 9/11 hijackers and supports all-out holy war against the United States. But the expert analysts in the Pentagon determined that this lively correspondence was consistent with Maj. Hasan's "research interests," so there was no need to worry. That's America: Technologically superior, money no object (not one but two "joint terrorism task forces" stumbled across him). Yet no action was taken.

On the other hand, who needs surveillance operations and intelligence budgets? Maj. Hasan was entirely upfront about who he was. He put it on his business card: "SOA." As in "Soldier of Allah" - which seems a tad ungrateful to the American taxpayers who ponied up half a million bucks or thereabouts in elite medical school education to train him to be a Soldier of Uncle Sam. In a series of meetings during 2008, officials from both Walter Reed and the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences considered the question of whether then-Capt. Hasan was psychotic. But, according to at least one bigwig at Walter Reed, members of the policy committee wondered "how would it look if we kick out one of the few Muslim residents." So he got promoted to major and shipped to Fort Hood, Texas.

Can't blame this one all on Obama. The government since 9/11 has been petrified of offending Muslim sensibilities lest they be accused of bigotry. Bending over backward to cater to political correctness has placed us all in unnecessary danger and the probability that there are other Hasan's in the military should wake the Pentagon up and start taking reports on any jihadists much more seriously.

No wonder Obama wants to stop Congressional hearings on the matter.

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