It's time Obama apologizes to the Barbary Pirates
It’s about time President Obama apologizes for a former president’s meddling in the affairs of Morocco.
From the 11th - 19th Centuries, the Barbary Pirates operated out of Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Sale and other ports in Morocco raiding mostly western European ships along that portion of the shores of North Africa called the Barbary Coast. From the 16th - 19th Centuries they also took hundreds of thousands of Europeans as slaves. The Barbary Pirates demanded tribute, and the European powers paid it.
Back in 1785, John Adams, then America’s Ambassador to England, and Thomas Jefferson, Ambassador to France, met with the envoy from Tripoli, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, and inquired as to why American ships were targets of hostility. The answer they received was this:
Until its independence was secured, American ships were generally protected by first the British, and then the French. Once the former colonies were an independent nation, America was on its own.
In 1801, President Jefferson received a message from Tripoli demanding an immediate tribute payment of $225,000, along with annual payments of $25,000. The First Barbary War (1801-1805) was eventually followed by the Second Barbary War (1815).
During the First Barbary War, Commodore John Rodgers led an American fleet that threatened to capture Tripoli. Rodgers warned that he would remove the current Tripoli pasha from his throne and replace him with his brother. The threat worked.
In order to facilitate a long overdue apology to Morocco, here’s a statement that David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel should pass on to Obama for his immediate reading to the world. (Before reading, cue background music here.)
Of course, the United States Marine Corps might have a slightly different view on this.