The hopeless irrationality of the liberal entitlement culture

To hear George Will explain it in the Washington Post, liberals will make sure that those who do not suffer some unfortunate happenstance will be comforted in their good luck.

He's talking about the Social Security COLA (Cost of Living Increase) that, by law, was not to be this year due to the cost of living diving 4% last year.

Now one might think that a good thing. But leave it to liberals to try and buy the vote of seniors by giving 57 million of them a check for $250 - compensation for being lucky.


Barack Obama has now established Mills's Social Security COLA as the capstone to the architecture of the entitlement culture that is modern liberalism's crowning achievement: It is an entitlement to which you are entitled even when you are not entitled to it. Obama says that 57 million Americans -- every Social Security beneficiary and some other recipients of federal entitlements -- are entitled to $250 apiece to assuage the disappointment of having not been injured by inflation. Because the cost of living declined 4 percent last year, the 57 million are not entitled to the actual COLA, but they evidently are going to be declared entitled to monetary consolation for the misfortune of not experiencing misfortune.

This is the second continent-wide shower of $250 checks. The first came from the $787 billion stimulus package enacted in February. There will not be another such shower, until the next one.

In January, retirees received a 5.8 percent COLA, the largest since 1982, primarily because of a surge in energy prices, which have since declined. Furthermore, after lifetimes of accumulation, Americans over 60 have the highest net worth of any age cohort. So why the special solicitude for them during an economic downturn that has afflicted almost everyone?

Obama says "we must act on behalf of those hardest hit by this recession." But are they the hardest hit? How does he know? By what measure? Is it possible that, say, the millions who have lost jobs have been hit harder than retirees?

Don't answer that George. Obama's head would explode from hearing a bit of common sense.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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