Suicide Bomb Kills Rev Guard leaders

It's probably not related to the post election unrest - just a continuation of violence from a restive province along the Iranian-Pakistani border.

But it's this sort of thing that could really cause a lot of problems for the government as Chip Cummins of the Wall Street Journal reports:

Two blasts in Iran's restive southeast on Sunday killed more than a dozen people, including at least two senior Revolutionary Guard Corps officers, and injured as many as 60 others, according to state media.

In recent years, the Sistan-Baluchistan province, along the border of Pakistan, has been rocked by a handful of terrorist attacks by Sunni insurgents, targeting Shiites and Iran's Shiite-dominated government. The brazen attack Sunday comes as the regime struggles to keep a lid on protests and opposition activities following contested presidential elections in June.

Poll-related unrest has largely died down across Iran, after months of heavy-handed crackdowns on demonstrators, the opposition and the media. But authorities haven't been able to completely stifle an anti-regime movement that, in the days immediately after the election, staged the country's biggest protests since the Iranian revolution thirty years ago.

While the insurgency activity in the southeast has never amounted to a serious threat to Tehran's regime, Sunday's attacks could be an unwelcome distraction for Iran's security services. By targeting a pillar of the regime, the attacks could increase pressure on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to retaliate forcefully or clamp down further on the restive region.

Ed Lasky adds:

Iran's ethnic minorities (that may constitute a plurality over the Persians) resent the oppression they have experienced from their Persian overseers. Some experts feel we should encourage the schisms as a way to ring down the regime. They also believe we should emphasize human rights and support the reformers who have come out in throngs to oppose the regime.

Not happening. In fact, we are cutting support for Iranian Human Rights activists. America is also softening up our approach towards the genocidal regime in the Sudan destroying the Christians and Africans in Darfur.

State media reported that Brig. Gen. Nour Ali Shoushtari and Brig. Gen. Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh - two high ranking commanders in the Revolutionary Guards - died in that attack. The Rev Guards usually don't take too kindly to having their own killed so expect some kind of crackdown in the area.

These same folks are a problem for Pakistan as well. Just another part of the world where an ethnic minority is agitating for its own state.

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