Sauce for government gander?

Recently the pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg, moved to cut the top 25 executives, from companies that received tax payer bailout monies, pay and benefits by up to 90%.  President Obama had this to say regarding the move by the pay czar:

"This is America. We don't disparage wealth. We don't begrudge anybody for doing well. We believe in success," he said. "But it does offend our values when executives of big financial firms ... pay themselves huge bonuses even as they continue to rely on taxpayer assistance to stay afloat."

Here is a question for the president and the pay czar, if you believe that we should cut the pay of executives that take bonuses when their management has lead to the near disaster of the company I would like to know when you are going to go after the pay and benefits of Congress and the President? 

Our government is running a $1 trillion deficit and continuing with plans to spend even more, signed a stimulus bill that has done anything but stimulate, and have governed our nation into near 10% unemployment.    Any private company that tried this would have already had to file for bankruptcy or put their collective hands out asking for a bailout.  Congress and the Presidents miss-management of the taxpayers money should lead the pay czar to cut their pay and benefits by the same amount as he has in the private sector.  After all the government has miss-used more taxpayer money than all the companies that have received a bailout to date.
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