NOW accuses Obama of sexism

Perhaps still smarting that a man--even an African-American man--trumped a woman for the presidency of the United States, Terry O'Neill, the new president of the National Organization of Women (NOW) joins the increasingly off key chorus criticizing President Barack Obama (D) about his numerous golf outings. But, as befits her present position, she has a different--and narrow--perspective

On Sunday, Jake Tapper of ABC News analyzed the context of Obama inviting a woman to be his golf partner on his 24 th golf outing since becoming president. When Tapper asked  O'Neill if she was satisfied that Obama finally invited a woman to join his most recent game she replied

"Relationships get built in those more informal settings," O'Neill told ABC News, "and the relationships have a huge impact on the influence an individual has. We know what happens when we segregated whether it by race or whether it by gender -- you end up with 1st class citizens and you end up with 2nd class citizens."

O'Neill told ABC News' Mike Callahan, "we need to see the White House leading the way for desegregating the work places all around the country and it is troubling."

But...but, as Tapper pointed out, seven out of 22 Cabinet or Cabinet-level positions, or slightly less than 1/3, are held by women which is more than any other president. Is O'Neill happy about this? She is not. She whiningly replies

"It's extremely important now especially for the president to have as many women as men in his closest circle of advisors. ... If women had been at the heads of the companies on Wall Street instead of these masters of the universe then we might not be in the predicament that we're in today." She says the ratio "needs to be 50/50. Women are 52 percent of the voting public so obviously there needs to be 50/50 of any Cabinet."

No Ms. O'Neill, the only thing obviously about you is that you're a sexist for believing that this country's problems are caused by men on Wall Street and solving the problems is as easy as appointing more women, rather than the perceived best person.

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