Hooray, It Is a Three-Day Weekend (Controversy)

Friday, President Obama told the story of how, just after he received the news about his Nobel Peace Prize selection, his daughters entered his room.  Malia declared, "Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize - and it is Bo's birthday."  Then his younger daughter Sasha chimed in, "Plus we have a three-day weekend coming up!"

If President Obama was not so self absorbed, this could have been a teachable moment for his youngest daughter.  He could have responded, "Sasha, this weekend is so much more than a day off on Monday. On Monday, we honor the brave adventurer and explorer Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America!"

Of course, this would never occur to President Obama.  To him, and his followers on the left, Christopher Columbus would be better remembered as a war criminal for his many sins against indigenous peoples of the new world.  

President Obama said, "It is good to have kids to keep things in perspective." Here is another perspective he might want to think about.  It took five hundred years before people started questioning whether Columbus deserved his many accolades. When it was announced that he won the Nobel Peace Prize, it took about five seconds.
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