Graph of the Day for October 20, 2009

"The Recession Is Over According to Financial Experts"  ABC News headline, May 12, 2009.

"By Some Reliable Measures, Recession Is Over" New York Times headline, October 16, 2009. 

Number of Jobs in the US (last 5 years, through Sept. 2009)

Source:  St. Louis Federal Reserve

Hoven's Index for October 20, 2009

Changes (quarter to quarter) in Real Gross Private Domestic Investment, last five quarters of data:

2Q2008:  down 2.7%.

3Q2008:  down 1.8%.

4Q2008:  down 6.7%.

1Q2009:  down 16.1%.

2Q2009:  down 6.5%.

Source:  St. Louis Fed (GPDIC96 series).     

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