Graph of the Day for October 18, 2009

"Every day we need more and more energy to run our factories, airplanes, cars, ships, computers and other modern marvels.  Some of the energy we now consume comes from burning petroleum that is derived from crude oil. Other major energy sources include coal, natural gas and uranium.  Unfortunately, using these materials leads to numerous environmental problems.  In addition, none of these energy sources is renewable. In other words, their supplies are limited and become harder to get every day."

Source:  Quiz-Tree, a provider of "quality educational software for organizations and individuals". 

Energy Consumption Per Person in the US

Energy Consumption Per Real Dollar of US GDP

Source:  US Department of Energy

Hoven's Index for October 18, 2009

Declines in the six major air pollutants in the US, from 2000 to 2006:

Carbon monoxide:  -35%.

Ozone:  -5%.

Sulfur dioxide:  -24%.

Particulates (PM-10):  -9%.

Fine particulates (PM2.5):  -14%.

Nitrogen dioxide:  -20%.

Lead:  -6%.

Source:  US Statistical Abstract, Table 357

Natural gas reserves as estimated two years ago:  1,321 trillion cubic feet.

As estimated in 2009:  1,836 trillion cubic feet.

Estimated natural gas reserves in terms of US consumption:  almost 100 years.

(Source:  LA Times.)
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