Doctor Fix Derailed

We're making progress on defeating ObamaCare.

Yesterday, the Senate voted 53-47 not to end debate on S1776, the bill which would increase Medicare payments to doctors to the tune of $247 billion over 10 years. This vote effectively kills the bill in it's present form. The sponsors will try to modify it, so keep alert.

New York Times reports (note the editorializing in last sentence of this news story -- perhaps Rahm Emanuel should come out and say that the New York Times is not really a news organization):

"WASHINGTON - In the face of solid Republican opposition, Senate Democrats on Tuesday backed down from their effort to increase Medicare payments to doctors without offsetting any of the cost over the next 10 years. It was the first skirmish in a larger partisan battle over President Obama's effort to remake the health care system in a fiscally responsible way." -- The New York Times, October 20, 2009

RedState is claiming victory due to their efforts to get readers to call their senators. Harry Reid is blaming the American Medical Association for not delivering the votes. This is very interesting news. Senators are now counting on special interest groups to "deliver" votes on important legislation. And I thought our representatives represented us. Hmmm.

So, all you Tea Partiers, you phone callers, you activists of all political points of view who actually care about the financial health of the US and the future of our country - congratulations! - keep it up - the financial shenanigans to split a quarter of a trillion dollars out of Obamacare has been exposed and defeated - Obamacare is next.
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