BBC asks 'What Happened to Global Warming?'

Good question – and one not often posed by the mainstream media (MSM).

Truth is, most humans are entirely unaware of the inconvenient truth that global temperatures peaked in 1998.   And that ignorance is by no means accidental.  

Indeed, reasonable people aware that the past 11 years of dropping temperatures have coincided with rising atmospheric CO
2 level are not likely to buy into the alarmist anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hoax.  And being unabashed cheerleaders of the liberal green agenda, the MSM have bent over backwards to maintain that public state of unawareness.

That’s why is was so surprising to see the same BBC that last year caved to alarmist pressure to underplay the chilling last decade-plus, yesterday not only give it fair mention, but actually admit that the climate models – on which the entire premise of catastrophic AGW is based --- were completely wrong about it.  What’s more, BBC climate correspondent Paul Hudson offered a surprisingly balanced presentation of the tangible naturally occurring temperature drivers -- solar and ocean cycles.

Surely, Hudson’s concluding words will not gratify those rooting for global governance of energy consumption:
“One thing is for sure. It seems the debate about what is causing global warming is far from over. Indeed some would say it is hotting [sic] up.”

Nor should they.

In March 2007, Hudson stated on BBC’s Inside Out that:

"Our climate's changing - and it's changing fast. Carbon emissions from transport, business and our homes are making things a lot, lot worse."
But in yesterday’s piece, he admitted that should solar scientist Piers Corbyn’s theories that solar charged particles “are almost entirely responsible for what happens to global temperatures” be proven correct, “this could revolutionize the whole subject.”

Yes it could.

As could the MSM following Hudson’s lead and actually reporting both sides of it.

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