To the students of Tehran

Last night I dreamt

about the students

of Tehran

and their sad eyes

Their eyes were dark

and large, like ancient paintings

brave hearts

they did not know

to fly

Come fly, I told them in my dream

It is easy. You can do it.

Chagall learned how

But it was too late

The Jews of Warsaw learned

But it was too late

Learn, oh learn

The secret of flying

In dreams

The Sufis knew

To fly

Do not be martyr

Do not let false


raise your bare arms


Do not let your yearning

give the envious Basiji

Another martyr

Do not let your flying body

fall and fall

Until it flutters


To earth

No, dream, oh dream

Oh, children of Tehran

Fly, oh fly

in your dreams

It is easy

You have the power

only face the sky

Let go

Be  lighter and be lighter

And fly

And tell your friend

To fly


more lovers fly

and choirs of angels


And all sad souls

of Tehran

Will fly

And one day


Flies away
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