Making it up on volume?

A recent tweet by Virginia Postrel notes that the Washington Posts' financial results for the last six months works out to a breathtaking loss of $1.10 per copy.  

The Post certainly seems to be trying to make up the startling loss on each paper sold in the sheer volume of their support for Democrat candidates and left wing causes. Several bloggers have noted how one side the Post's coverage of the upcoming election for Governor in Virginia and its attempt to "macaca" Bob McDonell while ignoring key policy differences between the candidates. NRO's Jim Geraghy recently wrote that he no longer will be buying the Post to read over his morning coffee.  Geraghty observed the paper has become so politicized that even the food writers harp in their columns that we need to eat less meat to fight global warming, He observed. 

Sorry, I don't need politics on my food page, particularly nagging politics.

Geraghty goes on to note a lack of, dare I say it, gravitas, among the current staff of the Post.

I don't hate the Washington Post; hell, I've written for the Post's Federal Page a few times. But it isn't the same paper it used to be; at times I'm not sure the current staff takes their jobs seriously anymore. Whatever they're thinking over there, it seems I'm no longer a demographic they're interested in keeping.

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