High Holiday Chutzpah at the White House

Chutzpah is one of the many terrific Yiddish words that have entered the American vernacular. When a person has chutzpah, he has unmitigated gall, nerve and audacity.

Jews everywhere are in the middle of their religious introspection period, known as the Days of Awe. This ten-day period began with Rosh Hashanah and will finish when Yom Kippur ends at sunset this Monday.

On Rosh Hashanah, I celebrated the birth of creation.  I celebrated God's dominion and His gift of life.   I thanked God for making me in "His image," and the great responsibility He has given to me.  With the arrival of Yom Kippur, I will seek atonement for my many shortcomings and promise to try harder to live up to a higher expectation. 

At no time will I second guess God and tell Him that His creation of the universe was some kind of mistake, and that He must have lost focus when he designed me. To do so would take a lot of chutzpah.

The Founding Fathers of the United States were gifted thinkers.  They were religious men who believed in the "Divine image" in all, and because they believed in the greatness in each of us, they wrote a Constitution and started a nation based on individual freedom and liberty. It was by our Founding Fathers' design that, we the people, a nation of numerous individuals from different backgrounds, would one day become the most citizenry of the most exceptional nation in the world. It is because of this original design by our Founding Fathers that we have become the most powerful nation on the Earth, and it is no accident that our country has been the one to rescue the world from global tyranny on more than one occasion.   

Today, we have a man in the White House who, although he may not specifically say it, evidently doubts that the Founding Fathers of the United States were inspired men, and that this nation is the most powerful on Earth for a reason. The President believes we must "... break free from essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution," and that "The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties ... says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government must do on your behalf." 

The President believes he knows better than Franklin, Washington, Adams and Jefferson.  He believes it is his right to take over the private sector, including the banks, the mortgage industry, the auto industry, and health care. Our President does not trust a Senate confirmed Cabinet, but prefers a little army of his own private czars.  He thinks he is not here to uphold the Constitution and help with the problems of today, but is here instead to make over the United States into his own personal image.

One thing for sure, President Obama has a lot of chutzpah.
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