An Obama Treasury of Mother Goose Rhymes

Little Miss Nancy indulged all her fancies

Cheating her Means and her Ways

Along came a Nazi who talked back to Pelotsi

And frightened Miss Nancy away

Barry Barry quite contrary

How does your opposition grow

With Wilson jeers and racist smears

And pretty czars all in a row      

Barry Barry quite contrary

How do your power grabs grow

With crisis fears and Bushian smears

And (you first) pretty czars all in a row

Scary Barry swatter of flies

Wowed the media made Newsweek sigh

But when we the people came out to play

Scary Barry ran away

Little Chuck Rangel employed every angle

In getting his piece of the pie

He looked in the till saw another half mill

And said, "What a good boy am I!"

Finally, two love bouquets to the New York Times and the three networks, referred to, disrespectfully, as the Grey Lady and the Three Blind Mice.  And of course, we all know who little Chrissy is, don't we?

Merry Barry bestrode the hill

Merry Barry gave Chrissy a thrill

All the king's horses and all the King's men

Can't make Chrissie play HARDBALL again

Little Grey Lady come blow your horn

Red Czars at the White House and thugs at ACORN

Where is that lady who sneers at the sheep

There at her news desk, Fast asleep

Three blind mice, three blind mice

See how they sneer, see how they sneer

They all play up to the left wing base  

They cut off their nose to spite their face

Have you ever seen such a total disgrace

As three blind mice

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