American Thinker Blog
September 30, 2009
More evidence of Obama fatuous fabrications of his 'work' experienceSeptember 30, 2009
Never Underestimate the Divine FactorSeptember 30, 2009
Public servants? No, we are the servantsSeptember 30, 2009
A House Committee Discusses 'The Future of Newspapers'September 30, 2009
Iran's nuclear futureSeptember 30, 2009
Playing At Being PresidentSeptember 30, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 30, 2009September 30, 2009
Lula faces criticism in Brazil over Honduras roleSeptember 30, 2009
Is there a full moon or something?September 30, 2009
Dem Congressman: 'GOP wants you to die quickly'September 30, 2009
ACORN voting fraud in the newsSeptember 30, 2009
The Chicago Olympics: Another viewSeptember 30, 2009
Where are the Three Stooges who wrote the 2007 NIE on Iran?September 30, 2009
Hollywood protesting Polanski arrestSeptember 29, 2009
Courage, Dan (updated)September 29, 2009
Hey Kids! Obama Sleepover!September 29, 2009
Jennifer Rubin, Jazz Shaw, Andrew Ian Dodge on Moran's showSeptember 29, 2009
We're sending this?September 29, 2009
Obama and the 'sounds of nonsense'September 29, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 29, 2009September 29, 2009
Incompetence and stupidity by our Sudan envoySeptember 29, 2009
Andersen Claims'Two Sources' for Ayers' Role in DreamsSeptember 29, 2009
Richard Cohen waiting for Obama to realize he's presidentSeptember 29, 2009
ACORN's Man in the White HouseSeptember 29, 2009
Another Push for More School TimeSeptember 29, 2009
Bibi's 'other' New York speechSeptember 29, 2009
Defending a child rapist - 'He's suffered enough'September 29, 2009
Obama has talked to David Letterman more than our Afghanistan commanderSeptember 28, 2009
Obama throwing black supporters under the busSeptember 28, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 28, 2009September 28, 2009
Obama's Olympic bid stagecraftSeptember 28, 2009
Our Dear Leader ObamaSeptember 28, 2009
Democrats balking in efforts to investigate Countrywide sweetheart loansSeptember 28, 2009
Obama travels to Copenhagen - to lobby the IOC to choose Chicago for Olympics?September 28, 2009
Germany veers right - socialists 'slaughtered'September 28, 2009
Bill Safire, R.I.P.September 28, 2009
Exposing the Axis of Crime: ACORN and SEIU and their illegal political actionSeptember 28, 2009
Culture of corruption knows no party boundariesSeptember 28, 2009
The President as EducatorSeptember 27, 2009
'Insufficient tuned-in-ness' at the NYTSeptember 27, 2009
What did George Shultz really mean?September 27, 2009
The NEA arts scandal must be investigatedSeptember 27, 2009
How to fight poverty and live like a kingSeptember 27, 2009
Bono: Africa's best spokesperson?September 27, 2009
Politics and the farm crisis in the San Joaquin ValleySeptember 27, 2009
Job seekers exceed job openings by record ratioSeptember 27, 2009
Is Rep. Boehner responsible for the death of a 22 year old Ohio woman?September 27, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 27, 2009September 27, 2009
Our thoroughly obtuse Defense SecretarySeptember 27, 2009
Start-up car company backed by Gore gets half billion dollar taxpayer loanSeptember 27, 2009
WaPo: Obama 'punts' on Gitmo detaineesSeptember 26, 2009
Political InvestmentsSeptember 26, 2009
Health Care Promises: What Happens Next?September 26, 2009
Oba-MaoSeptember 26, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 26, 2009September 26, 2009
NJ video proves Obama's school-speech opponents rightSeptember 26, 2009
TARP IG: Financial system now in a 'far more dangerous place'September 26, 2009
Obama's big, sincere smileSeptember 26, 2009
Whoa; NBC Producer to anti-ACORN group employee: 'Bite me, Jew boy?'September 26, 2009
Michelle's GiftSeptember 26, 2009
While Obama sleptSeptember 26, 2009
Grassley, Issa call for ACORN probeSeptember 25, 2009
A WaPo anti-Israel trifectaSeptember 25, 2009
Go To Jail, Go Directly To JailSeptember 25, 2009
Pelosi must put up or shut up about demonstratorsSeptember 25, 2009
The Kerry-Kennedy bridge to nowhereSeptember 25, 2009
New Joker Poster Spotted in Los AngelesSeptember 25, 2009
Irony, thy name is AyersSeptember 25, 2009
Tracking your every moveSeptember 25, 2009
Two more thrown under the busSeptember 25, 2009
Referendum on Obama looms in VirginiaSeptember 25, 2009
'The Beauty Parlor Bomb Plan'September 25, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 25, 2009September 25, 2009
Man arrested in Dallas who wanted to blow up skyscraperSeptember 25, 2009
Iran's covert nuclear fuel facilitySeptember 25, 2009
Congressional Research Service: Zelaya's Ouster Legal Under Law of HondurasSeptember 25, 2009
Why the Chosen People Choose LeftSeptember 25, 2009
Bibi's magnificent UN addressSeptember 25, 2009
Pan Am Widow condemns Qaddaffi at the UNSeptember 25, 2009
Obama, liberals defending certifiable loon in HondurasSeptember 24, 2009
Administration giving $400K to Qaddafi Family FoundationsSeptember 24, 2009
Preaching fingersSeptember 24, 2009
Obama insults PM Brown againSeptember 24, 2009
Feinstein's 'Pearl Harbor' for California FarmersSeptember 24, 2009
High Holiday Chutzpah at the White HouseSeptember 24, 2009
Andersen Book Blows Ayers' Cover on 'Dreams' (updated)September 24, 2009
How to install a Marxist dictatorSeptember 24, 2009
Terror plot investigation continues to mushroomSeptember 24, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 24, 2009September 24, 2009
Bolton: We welcome our Post-American PresidentSeptember 24, 2009
Health care reform battleground moves to MedicareSeptember 24, 2009
Obama rebuffed by trade court on Chinese tire tariffsSeptember 24, 2009
Shock video: Schoolchildren indoctrinated to praise ObamaSeptember 24, 2009
Obama's UN SpeechSeptember 24, 2009
Actor Hugh Jackman to save AfricaSeptember 23, 2009
What Part of 'Finance' Doesn't John Kerry Understand?September 23, 2009
What if Iran follows Honduras?September 23, 2009
Media coverage of Palin's Hong Kong speechSeptember 23, 2009
Obama snubs America's exceptionalismSeptember 23, 2009
ACORN sues Giles, O'Keefe and BreitbartSeptember 23, 2009
IRS severs ties with ACORNSeptember 23, 2009
Putting 'brother's keeper' issues in a new lightSeptember 23, 2009
Two follow-up questions never askedSeptember 23, 2009
Ahmadinejad Wants the Bomb To Help Bring the Muslim MessiahSeptember 23, 2009
Political leadership from CanadaSeptember 23, 2009
Pelosi leaves Blue Dogs to twist in the wind on health care reformSeptember 23, 2009
Sen Byrd hospitalizedSeptember 23, 2009
Ahmadinejad hand picked his sanctions buster on NY tripSeptember 23, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 23, 2009September 23, 2009
NY Governor Paterson and White House at loggerheadsSeptember 23, 2009
Oh, joy: China supplying refined gasoline to IranSeptember 23, 2009
Poll: Indies abandoning ObamaSeptember 23, 2009
Despite statistics, US life expectancy high (updated)September 23, 2009
An Obama Treasury of Mother Goose RhymesSeptember 22, 2009
Obama changes course on MideastSeptember 22, 2009
The Few. The Proud. The Ayers Audience at Purdue.September 22, 2009
Fausta Wertz, Jimmy Bise on Moran's showSeptember 22, 2009
Dangerous omenSeptember 22, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 22, 2009September 22, 2009
What First Amendment?September 22, 2009
Axelrod nixed selling health insurance across state linesSeptember 22, 2009
Stimulating Leftist Causes, Not the EconomySeptember 22, 2009
US facilitates placing viper among the innocents in HondurasSeptember 22, 2009
Biden: 'End of the road' for Obama agenda if GOP wins in 2010September 22, 2009
Bombshell: McChrystal to resign if not given more troopsSeptember 22, 2009
Obama losing everybody on health care reformSeptember 22, 2009
A Liar for SureSeptember 22, 2009
They're asking overseas: Is Obama out of his depth?September 22, 2009
Surprsise! Auto sales crash in September (Updated)September 22, 2009
Ledeen: It's Virtually Over for Iran's MullahsSeptember 21, 2009
Who's the racist now?September 21, 2009
Obama's WPA?September 21, 2009
Bertha, you lie!September 21, 2009
The Ents Have Gone To WarSeptember 21, 2009
ACORN the landlordSeptember 21, 2009
White House caught on tape directing politicization of National Endowment for the ArtsSeptember 21, 2009
Why is the Left so angry at Blacks who love America?September 21, 2009
Is the Federal Department of News Next?September 21, 2009
Obama bullies HondurasSeptember 21, 2009
Get ready for massive unilateral disarmamentSeptember 21, 2009
Obama: ACORN? What's that?September 21, 2009
High Noon for politicized arts fundingSeptember 21, 2009
When is a tax, not a tax? When Obama says soSeptember 21, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 21, 2009September 21, 2009
Sinking support, enthusiasm for health care reformSeptember 21, 2009
'Failure' in Afghanistan likely without more troops - McChrystalSeptember 21, 2009
Art for art's sake - Memory for the sake of memorySeptember 21, 2009
How Can Obama Appear on Letterman after Boycotting Imus?September 21, 2009
Health Care HaikuSeptember 21, 2009
TR on criticizing the presidentSeptember 20, 2009
Shoe Bomber Re-United with Pen PalsSeptember 20, 2009
Reactionary Liberalism and the Peanut NarcissistSeptember 20, 2009
Carter projecting his own racism on othersSeptember 20, 2009
Am I a Racist?September 20, 2009
Obama endorses 'choice and competition'September 20, 2009
ACORN going to ground to escape scrutinySeptember 20, 2009
Obama blunders into New York politicsSeptember 20, 2009
Three arrested in New York terror plotSeptember 20, 2009
IRS sniffing around ACORN booksSeptember 20, 2009
Brzezinski fantasizes about US shooting down Israeli planesSeptember 20, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 20, 2009September 19, 2009
Obama 'appointed by God'September 19, 2009
James Simpson on the airSeptember 19, 2009
New York Times Company humiliates itself in publicSeptember 19, 2009
Obama's narcissism unbound: 5 Sunday talk show appearancesSeptember 19, 2009
CO Man suspected in subway plot has ties to al-QaedaSeptember 19, 2009
Obama to insure the permanence of povertySeptember 19, 2009
Holder throwing in the towel on CIA investigation?September 19, 2009
UN General Assembly urges Israel to accept nuclear inspectionsSeptember 19, 2009
Qods Day protests - updateSeptember 19, 2009
Obama shoots self in foot on Mideast negotiationsSeptember 19, 2009
Sweden cuts taxes because it needs growthSeptember 19, 2009
Where's the outrage?September 19, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 19, 2009September 19, 2009
The Unhealthy State of AmericaSeptember 18, 2009
Irving Kristol, R.I.P.September 18, 2009
The Misery MapSeptember 18, 2009
Public says 'Nuts!' to ACORNSeptember 18, 2009
ACORN in the courtsSeptember 18, 2009
Barack & ACORN Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-GSeptember 18, 2009
General Electric: Obama's Halliburton?September 18, 2009
Desperate measures on the leftSeptember 18, 2009
Media Matters Launches Fight FOX CampaignSeptember 18, 2009
Arianna's 'duh' momentSeptember 18, 2009
Former SEIU boss jailed, media yawnsSeptember 18, 2009
Massive Qods Day protests by oppositionSeptember 18, 2009
Obama's missile defense betrayal even riles liberalsSeptember 18, 2009
Dems stand tall for wasteful spendingSeptember 18, 2009
The 75 Democrats who are pro-sex slave ACORN defendersSeptember 18, 2009
A fitting end to Ramadan in IranSeptember 18, 2009
Biden says that Iran is 'not a threat?' Maybe he should ask the IAEASeptember 18, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 18, 2009September 18, 2009
Tea Party DiversitySeptember 17, 2009
Pelosi Plays the Violence CardSeptember 17, 2009
Paglia: Birthers have legitimate questionsSeptember 17, 2009
President Jimmy Carter's CabinetSeptember 17, 2009
JTA's terrible premiseSeptember 17, 2009
The lies about Christian ZionistsSeptember 17, 2009
Jimmy Carter, the Jew-hater who cried racistSeptember 17, 2009
Constitution Day RegretsSeptember 17, 2009
The Kamikaze mediaSeptember 17, 2009
Gee - only a week later we learn Obama was wrong about insurance sob storySeptember 17, 2009
Sign of theTimes: Tens of millions of dollars for signs to tout Obama stimulusSeptember 17, 2009
When Jimmy Carter ginned up race hatred to get elected governorSeptember 17, 2009
Surprise! Van Jones is full of itSeptember 17, 2009
ACORN staffer offers Mexican contacts to smuggle sex slavesSeptember 17, 2009
Is ACORN really changing?September 17, 2009
Graph of the Day for September 17, 2009September 17, 2009
Richrd Baehr on the air (updated - on the air early)September 16, 2009
The House rebukes Barack Obama--unintentionallySeptember 16, 2009
Why I must be a racistSeptember 16, 2009
The 9/12 crowd size: you be the judgeSeptember 16, 2009
Acorn's new excuseSeptember 16, 2009
Media dam on ACORN videos has been breachedSeptember 16, 2009
Uproar over illegal charged with vehicular homicide in TexasSeptember 16, 2009
Race card losing its effectiveness (updated)September 16, 2009
Feldman's LawSeptember 16, 2009
Graph of the DaySeptember 16, 2009
Obama Finds His Inner BushSeptember 16, 2009
Carter: 'Overwhelming proportion' of animosity to Obama based on raceSeptember 16, 2009
Jimmy Carter says you're a racistSeptember 16, 2009
Senate Republicans refuse to climb aboard the Obamacare trainSeptember 16, 2009
On rebuking Joe WilsonSeptember 16, 2009
Another day, another ACORN scandalSeptember 16, 2009
An author drops Yale University pressSeptember 16, 2009
The arrogance of advice-giversSeptember 16, 2009
Fire the mediaSeptember 15, 2009
NY Times forced to use rivals' reportingSeptember 15, 2009
My, How the Tables Have Turned on Charlie GibsonSeptember 15, 2009
Stacy McCain, Dan Riehl on Moran's showSeptember 15, 2009
The theater of distractionSeptember 15, 2009
Is ACORN's behavior beyond satire?September 15, 2009
ACORN operating in Maryland IllegallySeptember 15, 2009
Spotlight on IRS/ACORN tiesSeptember 15, 2009
ObamaCare's big problem: The ConstitutionSeptember 15, 2009
The Left's new enemy: 'Tenthers'September 15, 2009
The upside of fearSeptember 15, 2009
Eviscerating old media pompositySeptember 15, 2009
Score one for the good guysSeptember 15, 2009
Terrorism related bust in QueensSeptember 15, 2009
Taking American JobsSeptember 15, 2009
Human Rights Watch and their Nazi memorabilia collecting analyst (updated: he is 'suspended')September 15, 2009
Government workers: From public servants to mastersSeptember 15, 2009
The seven senators who voted against defunding ACORNSeptember 15, 2009
Nutcracking LiberalismSeptember 15, 2009
Government pay now double that for the private sectorSeptember 15, 2009
US economic freedom rank is slipping under ObamaSeptember 14, 2009
ACORN Back for more federal $$, but Senate votes to block fundingSeptember 14, 2009
One-sided reporting from the NYTSeptember 14, 2009
One Million PatriotsSeptember 14, 2009
BREAKING: Ayatollah calls for overthrow of Tehran regime tomorrow.September 14, 2009
Where's Sarah?September 14, 2009
Rasmussen: Obama Rising (updated)September 14, 2009
Making it up on volume?September 14, 2009
Hypocrisy and double standards on Obama faith-based programsSeptember 14, 2009
Pattern and practice (updated)September 14, 2009
Keeping your eye on the ballSeptember 14, 2009
Bill Maher Pulls a Don ImusSeptember 14, 2009
'Clean' conservatives vs. 'dirty' liberalsSeptember 14, 2009
Dems on playing the race card: 'You ain't seen nothin' yet'September 14, 2009
Media Matter's Boehlert whines about media 'double standard" in covering protestsSeptember 14, 2009
Obama Justice Department still stonewalling Civil Rights Commission on Black Panther caseSeptember 14, 2009
Great News: The banking system still at risk for another meltdownSeptember 14, 2009
Axelrod: Protests don't mean muchSeptember 14, 2009
Obama: 'The Time for Games has Passed'September 13, 2009
Legislative catcallsSeptember 13, 2009
The sad truth is that our representatives will not listenSeptember 13, 2009
9/12 demonstration massive, well behavedSeptember 13, 2009
Summer of ChangeSeptember 13, 2009
Green Party: Truther Jones for Prez?September 13, 2009
Time for IRS to review all ACORN-prepared tax filingsSeptember 13, 2009
A tale of two ralliesSeptember 13, 2009
'Google News' or 'Obama News'? (updated)September 13, 2009
How WaPo slants its coverage of West Bank issuesSeptember 13, 2009
Mark Steyn: 'Where is Obama's Center?'September 13, 2009
Obama's 'creeping protectionism'September 13, 2009
What Place Do Demands and Threats Have in Public Debate?September 13, 2009
Debate over protest numbers masks the historic nature of the eventSeptember 13, 2009
Key potential Blago witness found deadSeptember 13, 2009
NY Times admits it was 'a beat behind' Van Jones storySeptember 12, 2009
Chicago Olympics prospects dealt blow by ObamaSeptember 12, 2009
Liberal media insanity hits new highSeptember 12, 2009
Who Needs Details?September 12, 2009
Fund-raising battle over Joe Wilson seatSeptember 12, 2009
Another Mystery for NYT ReadersSeptember 12, 2009
Key Boeing factory goes non-unionSeptember 12, 2009
First reports from AP and NY Times indicate 'thousands' at DC protest? (Updated with crowd estimate)September 12, 2009
A promise fulfilled: US to talk directly with IranSeptember 12, 2009
Look who wants to be Russian president - again.September 12, 2009
9/12 protests set to explode across the countrySeptember 12, 2009
Man arraigned in abortion protestor killingSeptember 12, 2009
Prosecute the ACORN video makers? (updated)September 11, 2009
Does Obama even care about 9/11?September 11, 2009
Google this: 'Patriotism'September 11, 2009
Census Bureau severs ties with ACORNSeptember 11, 2009
Shaping the FutureSeptember 11, 2009
Win one by being like the GipperSeptember 11, 2009
Russia on the moveSeptember 11, 2009
Keeping Andrew Sullivan on the teamSeptember 11, 2009
Best school answering machine message ever?September 11, 2009
Conservatives behaving badly?September 11, 2009
Beck bags another oneSeptember 11, 2009
Obama's speech in plain EnglishSeptember 11, 2009
Dems decry Wilson outburst - then close illegal's loophole in billSeptember 11, 2009
The predictable outcome of electing an economic dunderhead presidentSeptember 11, 2009
Ahmadinejad left off the guest list for Obama's UN receptionSeptember 11, 2009
Palin responds to ObamaSeptember 11, 2009
Down the memory hole: Democrat poor manners during presidential speechesSeptember 11, 2009
Inexperience and Obama's latest FoiblesSeptember 10, 2009
Obama Inconsistent on CompetitionSeptember 10, 2009
Obama only talks the talkSeptember 10, 2009
Was Rep. Joe Wilson responding in kind?September 10, 2009
Trust in Congress at all-time lowSeptember 10, 2009
Fox to recommend reforms in chicken coopSeptember 10, 2009
Obama's Groundhog DaySeptember 10, 2009
Obama's Authoritarian, Unconstitutional Health Care ProposalSeptember 10, 2009
ELF Institutes it's own 'Fairness Doctrine'September 10, 2009
Kristol: 'The real public option; start over'September 10, 2009
ACORN nabbed in sting operation (includes video)September 10, 2009
Chicago-Style Tall TalesSeptember 10, 2009
James Lewis:'First, do some harm - Then, exploit the crisis'September 10, 2009
NYT's Friedman's 'Enlightened Elite' Kills Baby Girls in ChinaSeptember 10, 2009
The 'news' made in the speechSeptember 10, 2009
Wilson apologizes for breach of protocolSeptember 10, 2009
How many uninsured, Mr. President?"September 10, 2009
Obama's stunning turn of phraseSeptember 10, 2009
Political MalpracticeSeptember 9, 2009
Something's Rotten at the State DepartmentSeptember 9, 2009
I Think the Racists in the Left Wing are UpsetSeptember 9, 2009
The Camel's NoseSeptember 9, 2009
Democrats and the one-party mentalitySeptember 9, 2009
Obama's 'Long Form' Shows UpSeptember 9, 2009
A look at the ObamaCare future?September 9, 2009
Paglia:The Democratic Brain Has Marinated in Cliches so Long It is PickledSeptember 9, 2009
Conservative best sellers and the networks that ignore themSeptember 9, 2009
Palin's WSJ Op-Ed bullseyes ObamacareSeptember 9, 2009
Reporter freed in daring rescueSeptember 9, 2009
Terrorist friend of Bill Ayers lands cushy taxpayer funded jobSeptember 9, 2009
Obama's school speechSeptember 9, 2009
Did MSNBC stifle Keith Olbermann's Glenn Beck dirt search?September 9, 2009
Do Angry Mobs Bake and Bring Brownies?September 9, 2009
A bad idea is still a bad ideaSeptember 8, 2009
Obama's school speech and the reaction.September 8, 2009
An Obama supporter accidentally tells it like it isSeptember 8, 2009
It's an all American Thinker night on Moran's showSeptember 8, 2009
Birds of a FeatherSeptember 8, 2009
Jaw Dropping Arrogance From Obscure CongressmanSeptember 8, 2009
Media supplies the outrage for ObamaSeptember 8, 2009
Triumph of the BanalSeptember 8, 2009
GOP missing a big issueSeptember 8, 2009
Alternative Discussion Questions for Barack Obama's School AddressSeptember 8, 2009
Obama's problems with the far leftSeptember 8, 2009
From the fire into the frying pan for Dems returning to DCSeptember 8, 2009
Other People's Money Part IISeptember 8, 2009
Ballot box stuffing in Afghan electionSeptember 8, 2009
Questions on White House vetting procedures re-emerge after Jones fiascoSeptember 8, 2009
Obama's school pep talkSeptember 8, 2009
'Hope' without youth employmentSeptember 8, 2009
Jack Webb schools Obama on AmericaSeptember 7, 2009
A View From Battery Park City New YorkSeptember 7, 2009
Why Van Jones wasn't properly vettedSeptember 7, 2009
Speaking truth to power loses appeal for leftistsSeptember 7, 2009
Government drives costs upSeptember 7, 2009
Opportunity LostSeptember 7, 2009
Obama Hits New Low on the Give A Damn IndexSeptember 7, 2009
Free speech in Canada againSeptember 7, 2009
Ayers to defile Purdue UniversitySeptember 7, 2009
Congratulations to conservative terrorists for forcing a Truther nut from governmentSeptember 7, 2009
Methinks he doth protest too muchSeptember 7, 2009
Rich Baehr's Obama speech preview at PJMSeptember 7, 2009
Obama's Labor Day messageSeptember 7, 2009
Long live the Czars!September 7, 2009
School days, Obama DazeSeptember 7, 2009
Scoring PointsSeptember 7, 2009
Through Obama's EyesSeptember 7, 2009
Axelrod's Disturbing RevelationSeptember 7, 2009
The Heart of Healthcare: A Letter to Young IdealistsSeptember 6, 2009
Other People's MoneySeptember 6, 2009
Hats Off to WNDSeptember 6, 2009
Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 7September 6, 2009
A War on Two FrontsSeptember 6, 2009
Obama knew about Lockerbie Bomber TransferSeptember 6, 2009
Shipping News (Updated)September 6, 2009
I have another IdeaSeptember 6, 2009
Jones was recruited not in spite of his wacky beliefs but because of themSeptember 6, 2009
'Sensible' Health Care Reform?'September 6, 2009
Obama seeking to hold his left flank on reformSeptember 6, 2009
New al-Megrahi revelations show Libyan pressure on BritsSeptember 6, 2009
Jones blames 'smears' for ousterSeptember 6, 2009
Van Jones Resigns as Obama's Green Jobs CzarSeptember 6, 2009
Quote of the DaySeptember 6, 2009
Van Jones and the Chicago Annenberg ChallengeSeptember 5, 2009
Need an MRI Aided Diagnosis?September 5, 2009
Ten Thousand ClerksSeptember 5, 2009
Visas for Cubans but not HonduransSeptember 5, 2009
Imagine Van Jones in a GOP White HouseSeptember 5, 2009
Obama may try to create crisis atmosphere to pass health careSeptember 5, 2009
Van Jones story finally goes mainstreamSeptember 5, 2009
Labor Polls PoorlySeptember 5, 2009
'Which part of the Constitution says you get to take over health care?'September 5, 2009
Yale Law School and Why Van Jones went ThereSeptember 5, 2009
Recession Proof IndustrySeptember 5, 2009
Time to End the Hyphenated American ThingSeptember 5, 2009
Obama Should Release His TranscriptsSeptember 5, 2009
To the students of TehranSeptember 4, 2009
Your Stimulus at WorkSeptember 4, 2009
SecDef Gates slams AP over photoSeptember 4, 2009
Infantile economics from the leftSeptember 4, 2009
Teenage girl who feared honor killing for converting to stay in FloridaSeptember 4, 2009
Union bluesSeptember 4, 2009
Van Jones: Truther nutSeptember 4, 2009
Unemployment hits 9.7% in AugustSeptember 4, 2009
Texas school districts push back against Obama speechSeptember 4, 2009
Meet the new crop of White House FellowsSeptember 4, 2009
NEA put to work for ObamaSeptember 4, 2009
Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 6September 4, 2009
Dust off that Obama 'pledge' for your kidsSeptember 4, 2009
Good news about the coming ice ageSeptember 4, 2009
California less loopy than Scotland?September 3, 2009
Something for Obama, RNC to Chew OnSeptember 3, 2009
RobocallsSeptember 3, 2009
Once lost, never regainedSeptember 3, 2009
LATimes Got The Finger WrongSeptember 3, 2009
Cleaning upSeptember 3, 2009
Obama mixes metaphors in banal Kennedy eulogySeptember 3, 2009
Farfetched ObamaCare AccusationSeptember 3, 2009
Teddy One-NoteSeptember 3, 2009
UK 'death panels' exposedSeptember 3, 2009
The new, exciting board game no one wants to play: Obamopoly!September 3, 2009
Wild card in MassachusettsSeptember 3, 2009
What George Will Could Learn From 'Wild Bill' CorsonSeptember 3, 2009
Is WaPo trying to 'Macaca' Bob McDonnell?September 3, 2009
Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 5September 3, 2009
Party affiliation gap narrows dramaticallySeptember 3, 2009
'Help Obama' line removed from kiddie lobbyist action planSeptember 3, 2009
From Messiah to ClownSeptember 3, 2009
Klein: Health care reform 'endgame' afootSeptember 3, 2009
Islam, a religion of peace?September 3, 2009
Health care: while government dithers, private enterprise deliversSeptember 2, 2009
Republicans are What?! (Updated)September 2, 2009
The Organizer-in-ChiefSeptember 2, 2009
Obama's polling weakness will continueSeptember 2, 2009
Lockerbie bomber's get out of jail free card may be a jokerSeptember 2, 2009
Deep oil: a giant discoverySeptember 2, 2009
The CIA Is Not the Post OfficeSeptember 2, 2009
Obama 笙・ hijabs and niqabsSeptember 2, 2009
Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 4September 2, 2009
Media propaganda enablersSeptember 2, 2009
Obama ditches union financial disclosure rulesSeptember 2, 2009
Different Virus, Different President, Different Media TreatmentSeptember 2, 2009
The Ramadan dinner at the White HouseSeptember 2, 2009
I wonder if Obama's buddies in the media know this?September 2, 2009
A possible nail in the coffin of ObamacareSeptember 2, 2009
More 'Kopechne as sacrificial lamb' stupiditySeptember 2, 2009
Beware of environmentally friendly refrigeratorsSeptember 2, 2009
Too Old for Pain MedsSeptember 1, 2009
Mothers Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up To Be Blue DevilsSeptember 1, 2009
Indoctrination through Education has BegunSeptember 1, 2009
Cassy Fiano, Fausta Wertz on Moran's showSeptember 1, 2009
Ed Lasky on the Milt Rosenberg ShowSeptember 1, 2009
Watch out for the Labor Day effectSeptember 1, 2009
Obama's Ratings Shrinking and FirmingSeptember 1, 2009
Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 3September 1, 2009
From Camelot to 'cram-a-lot'September 1, 2009
David Brooks: Deep down, he's shallowSeptember 1, 2009
Disrupting town halls for ObamaCareSeptember 1, 2009
70 years ago todaySeptember 1, 2009
New finance regulatory body will have sweeping powersSeptember 1, 2009
George Will wants US out of AfghanistanSeptember 1, 2009
Happy Anniversary Gaddafi: Love, Great BritainSeptember 1, 2009
Palestinian situation hopeless, not seriousSeptember 1, 2009
AT's Rich Baehr on Arab carbon emissionsSeptember 1, 2009
A Fiat People
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