August 5, 2009
Time to Inform on Ourselves
The White House wants us to inform on those who are disseminating (what they consider as) misinformation about Obamacare. Let's accommodate them.
Many of us have, no doubt, spoken with friends and neighbors about it the healthcare bill pending in the House. Invariably, some of those conversations have assumed a negative tone concerning the proposal to nationalize healthcare.
So, in the spirit of civic responsibility and patriotism, let's inform on ourselves. We'll feel better if we do - I know I did.
All one need do is send an email to (I don't know what flag that refers to but am pretty sure it's not the Stars & Stripes) and turn oneself in. Confession is good for the soul, it's been said. (Did Obama say that?)
Erin Bonsteel has captured the mood:
Erin Bonsteel has captured the mood: