Media Matters desperate to discredit embarrassing Obama photo

What's a left-winger to do when Barack Obama gets caught showing his character? Deny, discredit and denigrate, of course!

As a purely voluntary, patriotic watcher of the tattletale brigade over at Media Matters, I'm subscribed to their daily Rush Limbaugh Wire.  So, every single weekday, I get 3 separate, detailed emails in my inbox giving me the leftist lowdown on Rush.  I nearly ruined my keyboard with spit-out coffee Friday, when the hour 2 Limbaugh Wire arrived in my box. 

As many readers may recall, Media Matters was the
brainchild of Hillary Clinton and receives heavy funding from George Soros.  Mostly college interns are paid to listen and report on conservative talk radio shows and their stated purpose is to correct the wild "disinformation" being spread by the vast right-wing conspiracy.   

On Friday, Media Matters tattlers sent an email, referring to a blog item, written by our esteemed AT editor, Dr. Thomas Lifson, and described on air by El Rushbo. 

First, the MM tattletale wrote a summary of Rush's remarks on the AT blog:

"Then it was on to the American Thinker blog, critiquing a photograph of Obama walking down the White House steps with Gates and Crowley. The Thinker writer and Rush were bothered that Obama wasn't helping Gates down the steps, but Crowley was. Rush explained that his father told him the best way to judge someone's character is to watch how they treat people who can't do anything for them." 

So far, so good. 

But, of course, Media Matters' purpose is to dissemble Rush's words, telling their readers the "real truth."    So, in the eyes of the leftist spinmasters, a real picture could not possibly be taken at face value and analyzed by a rational, intelligent human being, like Dr. Thomas Lifson.  Convincing their readers of the right-wing-nut-hood of everything mentioned on Rush's show is the goal. 

Toward that end, the MM tattletale went on to characterize the AT blogger's description of the picture in question as "inane drivel" from the right-wing "fringe."  The blog showed a picture of a helpful Sergeant Crowley assisting handicapped Professor Gates down the steps at the White House Thursday, while a careless, arrogant President Obama walked ahead, too self-important to be bothered with the old man. 

The picture is plain as day; it was on the White House website.

embarrassing insensitivity

And it doesn't take a genius to see which of the two younger men showed real consideration and manners to the older man.  Nevertheless, the MM tattletale hired to produce hour 2 of Friday's Limbaugh Wire, called this characterization of the photo, by Dr. Lifson, "self-evidently stupid" and thus "unworthy of serious consideration."

And what was the evidence MM tattler on hour #2 offered that one couldn't really go by what was plainly in the picture?  Why, it was the bow to the Saudi king, that really wasn't.  And the sneak peek at an attractive girl's derriere on Paris steps that really wasn't.  You know folks are getting desperate when they must start dissembling pictures, in addition to words.

But is Thomas Lifson, blogger/author of the dissembled commentary really a "fringe" right-winger, who writes "self-evidently stupid" observations? 

A simple Google search on the author of the "self-evidently stupid" blog in question, would have shown that Dr. Thomas Lifson is a former professor of both Columbia and Harvard, and might be called any number of things, but "fringe" and "stupid" would not be among them. 

This, dear readers, is always the trouble with elitist liberals, especially when they resort to tattling on those about whom they know absolutely nothing.  They jump to conclusions based solely upon the "inane drivel" they've been fed by their own leftist professors.  Namely that all conservatives are stupid; otherwise they would not be conservatives. 

Yes, folks, even if one was once an esteemed professor in the Ivies, if he's broken out of the propaganda bubble and becomes a conservative, as has Thomas Lifson, then he must be just a plum ignorant hillbilly.

If that's so, then I wonder how he got through the Ivies with such high marks and academic honors.  Hmm...
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