August 27, 2009
HR 3200: Monument to Ted Kennedy?
Refresh my memory. Who is health care reform for again?
I ask only because Democrats seem to want wham-O-bam-thank-you-Barack-health care reform to double as a monument to their man of the people, Ted Kennedy, who died on Tuesday after serving in the Senate for over 46 years.
I guess I'm confused. I thought we've been in a heated debate about how best to assist millions of uninsured (people) who are lying in the road, uncared for, near death, flies-a-buzzing, who may or may not regain full health with just one scrap off the bountiful table of government run health care.
I mean, haven't we been in a heated debate about shifting 1/6 of the U.S. economy to Government, possibly forcing millions of happy-with-their-health care-Americans to a system that will make Medicare look like the Blue Chip-Caviar Option? Or are some just fear mongering at the expense of those without health care coverage? And what about the battle between bankruptcies: Bankrupting the nation if we don't reform health care reform vs. bankrupting the nation if we do pass health care reform? These are serious considerations and require full debate on behalf of the 300 million who will be affected by HR 3200.
I wonder what a Man of the People would say to Democrats who want to erect a legislative monument to him that will profoundly affect each of these Americans and the fabric of the nation, merits of HR 3200 aside?
It's almost as if the Democrats in Congress think everything is about them and are using Ted Kennedy's death to get their way! Wouldn't that be disgusting! Aren't they shifting the issue of health care reform for millions to honoring one man? How do they go from let's do it for The People, to let's honor one of us, and do it for the Man from Massachusetts?
Oh, that's right. I'm a racist. I want Barack Obama to fail. I want American to fail.
Sorry, I didn't mean to question motive or point out the ludicrous nature of this we're-in-mourning--so-give-it-to-us inspiration to pass health care reform.
I'll just be quiet and get out of the way as our President has asked.
Sooo, uhh, God bless Ted Kennedy, I guess, and may we, I mean he, rest in peace.
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