August 30, 2009
Giving the President Access to Your Computer
Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller and liberal Republican Olympia Snowe are still working on that comprehensive cyber security bill that would give the president control over private portions of the Internet. Rockefeller and Snowe first announced their idea last spring.
CNET has obtained a copy of the new draft legislation S. 773. Part of the bill reads:
(B) may, if the President finds it necessary
for the national defense and security, and in co-
ordination with relevant industry sectors, direct
the national response to the cyber threat and
the timely restoration of the affected critical in-
frastructure information system or network;
(3) shall, in coordination with various critical
infrastructure industry sectors, develop detailed
cyber emergency response and restoration plans for
each critical infrastructure industry sector;
(4) shall, through the appropriate department
or agency, review critical functions that would be
needed after a cybersecurity attack and develop a
strategy for the acquisition, storage, and periodic re-
placement of equipment to support those functions;
(5) shall direct the periodic mapping of Federal
Government and United States critical infrastruc-
ture information systems or networks, and shall de-
velop metrics to measure the effectiveness of the
mapping process;
(B) may, if the President finds it necessary
for the national defense and security, and in co-
ordination with relevant industry sectors, direct
the national response to the cyber threat and
the timely restoration of the affected critical in-
frastructure information system or network;
(3) shall, in coordination with various critical
infrastructure industry sectors, develop detailed
cyber emergency response and restoration plans for
each critical infrastructure industry sector;
(4) shall, through the appropriate department
or agency, review critical functions that would be
needed after a cybersecurity attack and develop a
strategy for the acquisition, storage, and periodic replacement of equipment to support those functions;
(5) shall direct the periodic mapping of Federal
Government and United States critical infrastructure information systems or networks, and shall develop metrics to measure the effectiveness of the mapping process;
In short, the federal government would be given the power to have direct access to all of our records (in the guise of protecting them from being destroyed.)
Here is my advice: buy an extra hard drive and kill this god-awful legislation. Now.