Email fraudsters: takes one to know one

After having been previously gotten emails telling me that I have won various European and Nigerian lotteries, today I got the following email that seems to explain where Federal bailout money is going. Either that or email scammers have been inspired in their writing by the biggest scammers of them all: the ones in Washington, DC.

Arriving from (Estonia?), my email reads:
The Federal Reserve Board

We received the instruction letter to credit $10.5million to your account .

We wish to let you know that all difficulties has been remove for the success of this contract fund to be credited into the your personal account.

Your response is required to enable us credit your account without further delay and you are also require to get back to us with the reconfirmation of your banking information for us to know whether what we have in our files is correct .This is to avoid crediting your fund into wrong account.


Please be fast on this matter.

Thanks and God bless you.


Ben S. Bernanke.

Chairman Federal Reserve Bank New York,"

Now that's the first thing that Mr. Bernanke has allegedly done that I agree with. Wait a minute. Mr. Bernanke has left his post at the New York Fed in February 2006. Can it be that the Federal government has figured out a way to send emails even slower than US postal mail? This policy of giving large checks to people for no sensible cause can explain how the National Debt got so huge. But I wish they would have sent me my 10 million sooner. Then again, a year or two ago, I might have bought government bonds with the funds.
"Please be fast on this matter." Notice that the email sender is copying the techiniques of the Obama administration, wanting to pass the bills, so to speak, quickly through the system. That's not a good sign.
"Thanks and God bless you," it says. I don't think a Federal official would invoke the name of the Diety in a financial related email letter. Either way, getting this email makes me feel important.
Mr. Bernanke, if you read this, you don't have to send me a check. I live on the East Coast and I will come to your office in Washington or New York to personally pick up the funds. I wouldn't want it to get lost.
Jack Kemp
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