Dem Rep shuns town hall for party dinner

The hottest topic in this small mountain resort community in southern New Mexico, is, just as it is everywhere across the nation, health care reform. Being in a remote area with no congressional office closer than 100 miles, it’s not often we get a chance to see our elected representatives.

But according to the
Ruidoso News, our freshman Democrat congressman, Harry Teague, recently showed he truly is a freshman. At the exact same time a community forum of concerned citizens was convened here in the village to discuss federal health care reform issues, our only federal representative, Congressman Teague, was attending a dinner meeting of the Lincoln County Democratic Party less than a mile away but couldn’t be bothered to be present at the forum even for a few minutes.

Congressman Teague lacked the courage to face his unscreened constituents to discuss one of the most important legislative issues of this new century. No, this political weasel sought sanctuary within the safe haven of a Democrat Party function, sucking up their uncritical adulation while leaving the rest of his constituency to suck eggs.
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