By all means, let's copy the Cuban health care system

Yep, as noted  in AT here , Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA) praised Castro for kicking out the wealthy from Cuba so as to give the country a great health system with equally horrible treatment for all.

And now Juan O. Tamayo of the Miami Herald reports on another equalizer in Cuba, affecting poor and poorest alike, especially the black Cubans who are the poorest of all.

There's good news and bad news in Cuba.

The bad news: There's a shortage of toilet paper, and officials in Havana say it will not ease until the end of the year.

The good news: Day-old copies of the Communist party's newspaper Granma, a traditional substitute, are available for less than a U.S. penny. And that's six to eight full, if rough, pages per day.

Oh sure, Cuba can blame the usual suspects--the U.S. But a country that can't provide the basics, can't provide even 19th century health care. And Watson and others would undoubtedly blame it all on racism. Meanwhile the Cubans suffer. Equally.


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