American Thinker Blog
August 31, 2009
Kennedy, the KGB and American MediaAugust 31, 2009
The White House Gets Sued for Its Fishy Email ProgramAugust 31, 2009
Compassionate parole for all?August 31, 2009
Always Israel's fault (cont.)August 31, 2009
Unintended consequencesAugust 31, 2009
It's going to get worse for Obama (updated)August 31, 2009
Medical 'Best Practices' Change Rapidly -- Regulations Don'tAugust 31, 2009
Where's the leadership, Barry?August 31, 2009
The Two 9/11'sAugust 31, 2009
Experts see significant GOP gains in 2010 but not enough to win back HouseAugust 31, 2009
Irony writ large: I have met the enemy and it is meAugust 31, 2009
A case study in big government; IllinoisAugust 31, 2009
By all means, let's copy the Cuban health care systemAugust 31, 2009
Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 2August 31, 2009
British courage, then and nowAugust 31, 2009
Thomas Lifson on the airAugust 30, 2009
AQ Khan ordered freed of all restrictionsAugust 30, 2009
Statist Healthcare Logic and Mary JoAugust 30, 2009
Throwing Darts at HR3200August 30, 2009
The Give-a-Damn Index reaches a new high (updated)August 30, 2009
Obama throws Eastern Europe under the busAugust 30, 2009
Yep - the Brits lied about why they released al-Megrahi (updated)August 30, 2009
Welcome to the Unionized States of AmericaAugust 30, 2009
Privacy and ObamacareAugust 30, 2009
Just a rainy Saturday in New YorkAugust 30, 2009
Giving the President Access to Your ComputerAugust 30, 2009
Another hypocritical Obama momentAugust 30, 2009
An odd coincidence?August 29, 2009
American Democrats, Lend Me Your EarsAugust 29, 2009
The crap the left tries to peddleAugust 29, 2009
There's Nothing Wrong with 'Your Life-Your Choice'August 29, 2009
Thanks Rush!August 29, 2009
Obama's Nuclear Blackmail of Israel -- and of the WorldAugust 29, 2009
A fresh face on the GOP bench?August 29, 2009
The Ted Kennedy moral whitewash peaks todayAugust 29, 2009
The Soviet era memo showing Ted Kennedy working against American interestsAugust 29, 2009
Here's a great idea: Let's give Obama control of the internetAugust 29, 2009
Rep. Watson: Che and Fidel were right to 'kick out the wealthy'August 29, 2009
The Beck Boycott's unintended consequencesAugust 29, 2009
Trust Fund TeddyAugust 28, 2009
Massachusetts politics and the John Jay standardAugust 28, 2009
NY Times Magazine Editor: Kennedy Joked about ChappaquiddickAugust 28, 2009
Black conservative Lloyd Marcus on tour across AmericaAugust 28, 2009
4% of Israeli Jews: Obama pro-IsraelAugust 28, 2009
Obama's war on American sovereigntyAugust 28, 2009
Gilad ShalitAugust 28, 2009
Liberal at Huffpo thinks Mary Jo Kopechne didn't mind dying for TedAugust 28, 2009
Closing the last auto factoryAugust 28, 2009
Was the Richardson probe killed by DOJ political appointees?August 28, 2009
ABC, NBC refuse to air ad critical of ObamacareAugust 28, 2009
Libtalker Malloy accuses the right of killing RFK, JFKAugust 28, 2009
Krauthammer gives Obama an 'exit strategy' on reformAugust 28, 2009
Spider-Man Artist Pens Our FateAugust 28, 2009
Democratic congressmen letting the cat out of the Obamacare bagAugust 27, 2009
No more privacy under ObamaCareAugust 27, 2009
HR 3200: Monument to Ted Kennedy?August 27, 2009
Rebranding ObamaCareAugust 27, 2009
The Swine flu whipsawAugust 27, 2009
DoJ drops prosecution of top Dem (updated)August 27, 2009
Government healthcare horrorAugust 27, 2009
Japanese, Koreans give three cheers for 'Cash for Clunkers'August 27, 2009
Did al-Megrahi really have only 3 months to live?August 27, 2009
'Kennedy and Chappaquiddick - in the obits'August 27, 2009
Payoff for releasing Lockerbie terroristAugust 27, 2009
Another reason unions support ObamacareAugust 27, 2009
Libyan honor, Libyan OilAugust 26, 2009
Ted Kennedy dead (updated)August 26, 2009
Kennedy's death: This day in historyAugust 26, 2009
No Myth: Illegal Immigrants Covered under ObamacareAugust 26, 2009
Going for the media's throatAugust 26, 2009
Pets May Not Be So Happy under 'Happy Act'August 26, 2009
Scottish government: Obama-lite?August 26, 2009
Rangel 'forgot' he's actually $500,000 richer than he reportedAugust 26, 2009
Turns out that the $4500 "cash for clunkers" rebate is taxableAugust 26, 2009
That sound you hear is health care reform being flushed down the toiletAugust 26, 2009
Fear-mongering knows no seasonAugust 26, 2009
Democrats smear anti-health care reform protestors in DenverAugust 26, 2009
Is Glenn Beck Allowed to Believe Obama is a Racist?August 26, 2009
The rank political motives of Obama's Justice Department in CIA prosecutionsAugust 26, 2009
Humberto Fontova on the airAugust 25, 2009
Melissa Clouthier and Andrew Ian Dodge on Moran's showAugust 25, 2009
Liberal Fascism is not a book anymoreAugust 25, 2009
What's missing in the end of life counselingAugust 25, 2009
Medical report on Lockerbie bomber releasedAugust 25, 2009
Nixon White House reduxAugust 25, 2009
Too hot for ABCAugust 25, 2009
Cheney was right; Obama's wrongAugust 25, 2009
Manchild President Stays with Adult as Fed ChairAugust 25, 2009
Overwhelming changeAugust 25, 2009
Britain forced to fly in foreign doctors to fill in physician gapsAugust 25, 2009
Well on our way down the 'Road to Serfdom'August 25, 2009
Brutal infighting as Taliban factions split over new leaderAugust 25, 2009
Gibbs' mushy statement on CIA prosecutionsAugust 25, 2009
Another climate change scamAugust 25, 2009
Did Yale prostitute itself for oil money?August 24, 2009
The Art of Politically Correct Apology by Bill MaherAugust 24, 2009
Now There You Go Again -- More Whoppers from ObamaAugust 24, 2009
NYT already offering reasons for death of ObamaCareAugust 24, 2009
Harvey Weinstein: Turning Jews Into NazisAugust 24, 2009
NYT a little vague about those states west of the Hudson RiverAugust 24, 2009
We should spend more on health care, not lessAugust 24, 2009
A Birther CompromiseAugust 24, 2009
When in trouble, feed the baseAugust 24, 2009
The high speed rail boondoggleAugust 24, 2009
Setting the style - extra toes and allAugust 24, 2009
FBI Director Mueller scorches Scottish prosecutor over release of terroristAugust 24, 2009
Politicization of the Obama Justice DepartmentAugust 24, 2009
More on the real reasons for the Lockerbie killer's releaseAugust 23, 2009
The changing Obama messageAugust 23, 2009
Your Life ChoicesAugust 23, 2009
A wee poem for the presidentAugust 23, 2009
Sweden's blood libel of Israel gets worse (updated)August 23, 2009
The New Third Rail of American Politics? (updated)August 23, 2009
How many toes do you see?August 23, 2009
Rasmussen: Obama Hits new Low (updated)August 23, 2009
President Obama's Ramadan messageAugust 23, 2009
Steyn: 'Stimulus hits a pothole'August 23, 2009
What big government? Feds to regulate garage salesAugust 23, 2009
Now it's Senate Democrats who are threatening insurersAugust 23, 2009
FAA personnel dragged away to help with Cash For ClunkersAugust 23, 2009
What was the real reason for the Lockerbie bomber's release?August 22, 2009
NY Gov plays a dog-eared race cardAugust 22, 2009
World Weary ... World WorriedAugust 22, 2009
The small matter of the constitutionality of ObamaCareAugust 22, 2009
'Less costly' health care 'reform' to hit middle class hardAugust 22, 2009
Michelle Obama and the double-edged sword of fashionAugust 22, 2009
NYT backs away from Obama party line on death panelsAugust 22, 2009
Muslim teen who fears family honor killing may be sent home by courtAugust 22, 2009
Obama's misleading statements on health care for illegalsAugust 22, 2009
Getting 'weed up' explainedAugust 22, 2009
Palin: 'No Health Care reform without legal reform'August 22, 2009
Have Obama's expanded deficits killed off health care reform?August 21, 2009
Fear No IceAugust 21, 2009
Obama's Scarlet LetterAugust 21, 2009
Friday funniesAugust 21, 2009
Bragging Rights: The Lockerbie Bomber Goes FreeAugust 21, 2009
Adam Smith on Pan Am 103August 21, 2009
Let Them Eat Arugula (Updated)August 21, 2009
Report from the Town Hall FrontAugust 21, 2009
ObamaCare and the Sorcerer's ApprenticeAugust 21, 2009
Charlie Cook: Dem prospects for 2010 tankingAugust 21, 2009
Not much hope but look at the change: Obama at 45%August 21, 2009
Ties that bind: Iran-Hezb'allahAugust 21, 2009
Lockerbie killer released on 'humanitarian' groundsAugust 21, 2009
The Mother of 'Absolute Moral Authority' is backAugust 21, 2009
Spy Agency FiascoAugust 21, 2009
Another Even Vaster Right Wing ConspiracyAugust 21, 2009
The Revolution Has Not Been Publicized (a poem)August 20, 2009
WaPo hypocrisy on Israel's security barrierAugust 20, 2009
Reduce the deficitAugust 20, 2009
Backtracking on Obama's grandiose green jobs promiseAugust 20, 2009
Trumka Keeps TalkingAugust 20, 2009
The Messiah AKA God's PartnerAugust 20, 2009
House Dems go after insurers for opposing ObamacareAugust 20, 2009
ObamaCare and FDRAugust 20, 2009
One healthy sector of the economyAugust 20, 2009
James Simpson on the airAugust 20, 2009
British Muslims celebrate Taliban 'heroes'August 20, 2009
New York car dealers running away from 'Cash for Clunkers'August 20, 2009
MSNBC's outrageous dishonestyAugust 20, 2009
Obama melds church and state for health care reformAugust 20, 2009
Federal Spending Deficit Explodes Nearly Eight FoldAugust 19, 2009
The Waxman InquisitionAugust 19, 2009
Obama is working for us now!August 19, 2009
Labor boss gaffe: Telling the truth about taxesAugust 19, 2009
Academic Terrorism - National Press Club Press Conference on Bill AyersAugust 19, 2009
Rasmussen: GOP Takes Lead on Health CareAugust 19, 2009
Iranian protestors being tortured and worseAugust 19, 2009
IRS to be ObamaCare enforcer (Updated)August 19, 2009
At least 75 dead in Baghdad bombingsAugust 19, 2009
Israeli army kills Palestinians and harvests their organs: Swedish paperAugust 19, 2009
Obama's shallow comprehension of economics major cause for concernAugust 19, 2009
Big Labor's Big ThreatAugust 19, 2009
Robert Novak dead at 78August 19, 2009
Axelrod a tool of Big PharmaAugust 19, 2009
Prepare for Armageddon on health care reformAugust 19, 2009
Napoleon and Squealer in the White HouseAugust 18, 2009
Obama softens tone on IsraelAugust 18, 2009
No right of appeal in ObamaCareAugust 18, 2009
Jazz Shaw, Despina Karras on Moran's showAugust 18, 2009
Another road to single payerAugust 18, 2009
A Gravitational PullAugust 18, 2009
An Angry Mob on One (a poem)August 18, 2009
The Art of ExtractionAugust 18, 2009
Obama to spend $1 billion to fund offshore drilling - for BrazilAugust 18, 2009
A 'fishy' reply from the White HouseAugust 18, 2009
Meanwhile...liberals heads exploding over potential loss of public option (updated)August 18, 2009
Health Insurance Co-ops: The public option by any other nameAugust 18, 2009
Angry AARP members resigning in drovesAugust 18, 2009
Call center medicineAugust 18, 2009
The 'Enemy List'August 18, 2009
Starting to FizzleAugust 17, 2009
We can't spare this woman: she fightsAugust 17, 2009
Dems Demonizing ScootersAugust 17, 2009
Could co-ops be a Trojan Horse?August 17, 2009
Michael Vick's other crimeAugust 17, 2009
A doctor responds to Obama's NYT op-edAugust 17, 2009
Stupid criminal tricksAugust 17, 2009
The city that won't be working todayAugust 17, 2009
White House blames '3rd parties' for spam email from AxelrodAugust 17, 2009
White House in disarray over public optionAugust 17, 2009
Islamic dress code imposed at British public swimming poolsAugust 17, 2009
Another Democratic senator in troubleAugust 17, 2009
A student challenges Obama on health care reformAugust 17, 2009
Author of Human Rights report on Israel supports terrorismAugust 16, 2009
A Modest Proposal for Health CareAugust 16, 2009
Hamas lethally attacks mosque -- media and NGOs yawnAugust 16, 2009
Idiot Compassion for the Lockerbie BomberAugust 16, 2009
Rasmussen: New Strongly Disapprove high for ObamaAugust 16, 2009
With whom is Israel supposed to cut a two state deal?August 16, 2009
White House says no increase in threats as a result of town hall protestsAugust 16, 2009
Welcome to the 'Help Not Wanted' economyAugust 16, 2009
Slaughter in Palestinian MosqueAugust 16, 2009
Hillary's excellent African tourAugust 16, 2009
Those 'other refugees' in Arab-Muslim landsAugust 16, 2009
Is Obama Pulling Our Leg (Off)?August 15, 2009
Woodstock: Was it something, or was it nothing?August 15, 2009
First, do no harmAugust 15, 2009
Obama's punctured gravitasAugust 15, 2009
James Simpson on the airAugust 15, 2009
Orthopedic Surgeons respond to Obama on amputation commentAugust 15, 2009
Remember what victory means?August 15, 2009
Woodstock at 40: A triumph of capitalismAugust 15, 2009
Four years of Sweetness & LightAugust 15, 2009
Where are all the Obamabots?August 15, 2009
Consumer sentiment plummets in AugustAugust 15, 2009
RINO Hagel gaining influence in White HouseAugust 15, 2009
Whole Foods, Inc. just not liberal enoughAugust 14, 2009
Earmark UpdateAugust 14, 2009
Chuck Hagel climbing the White House ladderAugust 14, 2009
Cap and trade dead in the Senate?August 14, 2009
The Fatah convention: A litmus test for the sanity of the WestAugust 14, 2009
Can the GOP win in 2010?August 14, 2009
'Oh, Big-Spending Obama'August 14, 2009
A Thank-You Note to the PresidentAugust 14, 2009
Europe out of recession - Obama's America? Not so muchAugust 14, 2009
Stimulus being spent in dribs and drabsAugust 14, 2009
Cheney-Bush relationship not all sweetness and lightAugust 14, 2009
Axelrod's unsolicited email on health care reformAugust 14, 2009
Dem Rep tried to bar TV cameras from town hall (updated)August 13, 2009
J Street's Arab and Muslim donors revealedAugust 13, 2009
The Great Bubbie RebellionAugust 13, 2009
Got that mojo workin'August 13, 2009
Arlen Specter in big troubleAugust 13, 2009
Australian Senate defeats cap and trade legislationAugust 13, 2009
47!August 13, 2009
Dem Rep shuns town hall for party dinnerAugust 13, 2009
We welcome our new taxes under ObamacareAugust 13, 2009
Yale Press bans image of Mohammed in book about Mohammed cartoonsAugust 13, 2009
The 'Ivan the Terrible' of Obama's CzarsAugust 13, 2009
New poll shows voters ignoring Dem message on town hallsAugust 13, 2009
National Enquirer scoops NY Times - againAugust 13, 2009
Never a teleprompter around when you need oneAugust 13, 2009
Obama during Primaries: 'Transitioning to Single-Payer'August 12, 2009
Inconvenient ConstituentsAugust 12, 2009
ObamaCare: The Ugly SisterAugust 12, 2009
Whitewashing Mary RobinsonAugust 12, 2009
Anti-gun Propaganda from Time MagazineAugust 12, 2009
It's the Plan, StupidAugust 12, 2009
Hugo Chavez the Main Attraction in Venezuela's Revolutionary CircusAugust 12, 2009
Presidential DissonanceAugust 12, 2009
Luttwak: Why Obama will fail on IranAugust 12, 2009
Sometimes, there are no words to describe the irony...August 12, 2009
Failing the test: Robinson does not deserve a medalAugust 12, 2009
Obama's Potemkin Village town hallsAugust 12, 2009
On Iran, business as usual for the UNAugust 12, 2009
Five Freedoms lost under ObamacareAugust 12, 2009
Stop Telling Me That Everything in My Country is Broken!August 11, 2009
Two peas in a podAugust 11, 2009
Are We Paying to Defame Palin?August 11, 2009
Obama Lies About Supporting Single Payer at NH Town HallAugust 11, 2009
NYT perfumes Fatah's belligerent political conventionAugust 11, 2009
Ed Morrissey and Rich Baehr on Moran's showAugust 11, 2009
Harry Reid is in big troubleAugust 11, 2009
Racism in health care bill seen by US Commission on Civil RightsAugust 11, 2009
Obama's Tone DeafnessAugust 11, 2009
Town Hall in Upstate NY: Locals vs the ZombiesAugust 11, 2009
Another sub-prime crisis loomsAugust 11, 2009
Rasmussen: 57% oppose socialized medicine (updated)August 11, 2009
Soros sticks his two cents - and much more - into health care debateAugust 11, 2009
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, Just how anti-American are you?August 11, 2009
Obama's 'reality check' - Not!August 11, 2009
'Death Panels' in Oregon?August 11, 2009
Please explain this to meAugust 10, 2009
Obama's way with wordsAugust 10, 2009
Jewish Dem organization rebuttedAugust 10, 2009
Americans know who their friends areAugust 10, 2009
Notes of a Puzzled Wannabe MobsterAugust 10, 2009
Guess who beat up Gladney?August 10, 2009
Wasting energy to conserve energyAugust 10, 2009
Lavish 'climate change' junket for House members (updated)August 10, 2009
Astroturfers offered $10-15 an hour to demonstrate for DemsAugust 10, 2009
Surprise! Preventive care will raise, not lower health care costsAugust 10, 2009
The sound you hear is the public option swirling down the drainAugust 10, 2009
Wind Farm BlowbackAugust 10, 2009
Pelosi and Hoyer call reform opponents 'un-American'August 10, 2009
Obamabots go back to sleepAugust 10, 2009
About those journalists freed from North Korea...August 10, 2009
Good idea, Barry; let's clean up the mess - yoursAugust 10, 2009
Yeeha! Deficit up $181 Billion ... in ONE MonthAugust 10, 2009
Kyle-Anne Shiver on RadioAugust 9, 2009
Chicago thug tacticsAugust 9, 2009
Why does Obama stick a finger in the eye of the Jewish community?August 9, 2009
Defending Palin's 'Death Panel' remarkAugust 9, 2009
Health Care Funds for Community OrganizationsAugust 9, 2009
Journalist: '45%-65% of protestors are racists'August 9, 2009
Note to CNN's Blitzer: Coalition Deaths in Afghanistan Near 1,300August 9, 2009
Down the memory hole with ObamaAugust 9, 2009
'Remember when protest was patriotic?'August 9, 2009
As a Black Conservative, Should I Be Afraid?August 9, 2009
Washington Post calls for reason from both sides in debateAugust 9, 2009
How is Obama going to spin these statements from Fatah?August 8, 2009
Obama and Public DebateAugust 8, 2009
Ice choking the Northwest PassageAugust 8, 2009
NYT Outs Obama's Backwards Afghan StrategyAugust 8, 2009
Will Obama Condemn Racist Union Thugs?August 8, 2009
Asking Obamabots to inform on their neighbors may be illegalAugust 8, 2009
Email fraudsters: takes one to know oneAugust 8, 2009
Liberals trot out the racism card to explain opposition to health careAugust 8, 2009
'I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking...' - President ObamaAugust 8, 2009
Democrats unhingedAugust 8, 2009
Barack Obama - the early yearsAugust 8, 2009
Thank Obama (a poem)August 7, 2009
The Decline in July Unemployment Really Means An IncreaseAugust 7, 2009
Sweden shows how to save money in health careAugust 7, 2009
New York Times covers up fierce anti-Israel radicalism at 'moderate' Fatah party conventionAugust 7, 2009
Obama the polarizerAugust 7, 2009
The Obama WayAugust 7, 2009
Powerful Dem Rep stonewalls subpoena of CountrywideAugust 7, 2009
Presumed Bhutto assassin killed in US strikeAugust 7, 2009
Obama's Black Panther ScandalAugust 7, 2009
White House declares an end to the 'War on Terror'August 7, 2009
Obama looses labor thugs on tea party town hall protestorsAugust 7, 2009
NYT averts its eyes on Mary RobinsonAugust 7, 2009
Obama's honeymoon over - what did he accomplish?August 7, 2009
More cooking the books on climate changeAugust 7, 2009
GOP turns the tables on DemsAugust 6, 2009
The Top Ten 'Clunkers' Are All Detroit BrandsAugust 6, 2009
Third Party Collection and ObamacareAugust 6, 2009
Don't Know Much About ArithmeticAugust 6, 2009
Firing up the leftist baseAugust 6, 2009
Mary Robinson and terror against civiliansAugust 6, 2009
A health care reform confessionAugust 6, 2009
The First Obama Misinformation Suppression ProgramAugust 6, 2009
Obama tries to gin up turnout for health care events (updated)August 6, 2009
Something odd about those two freed journalistsAugust 6, 2009
August 6, Hiroshima DayAugust 6, 2009
Astroturf fantasiesAugust 6, 2009
Journalist's return a really big shooAugust 6, 2009
Soros funded NGO bows to pressure and identifies 'Hamas war crimes'August 6, 2009
Final installment of Lasky interview with Claremont's GreenfieldAugust 6, 2009
Proud member of the right wing 'mob'August 6, 2009
White House backtracks on calling Ahmadinejad the 'elected leader'August 6, 2009
Republican Senators: La Raza is Watching YouAugust 5, 2009
NYT fawns over 'moderate' Abbas and FatahAugust 5, 2009
Time to Inform on OurselvesAugust 5, 2009
Guess whose jet?August 5, 2009
Things looking up for GOP, not ObamaAugust 5, 2009
When bureaucrats control your lifeAugust 5, 2009
Sen. Carl Levin & the Convenient SurgeAugust 5, 2009
Rasmussen Poll Watch: Good News and Bad NewsAugust 5, 2009
Obama tries to discredit health care dissentAugust 5, 2009
Obama solves other problems over beerAugust 5, 2009
Hezb'allah stockpiles 40,000 rocketsAugust 5, 2009
Who will Obama honor next year?August 5, 2009
Gibbs: Ahmadinejad is the 'elected leader' of IranAugust 5, 2009
'Culture of Corruption:' 13 Dems under ethics cloudAugust 5, 2009
Kyle-Anne Shiver, syndicated columnistAugust 5, 2009
Left begins smear campaign against Town Hall protests (updated)August 5, 2009
Krugman chokes on his own 'brilliance'August 5, 2009
This is peace according to FatahAugust 4, 2009
Cash for Clunkers Stimulates Foreign Brands MostAugust 4, 2009
Liberating the Third World with the Chains of LiberalismAugust 4, 2009
Stacy McCain, Dan Rhiel, Jimmy Bise on Moran's showAugust 4, 2009
Duplicitous Chavez gulls ObamaAugust 4, 2009
Pimp My RideAugust 4, 2009
GOP upset victory in Delaware special election (updated)August 4, 2009
Jewish Democrat Organization averts its eyesAugust 4, 2009
Anti-Chavez TV network attacked in CaracasAugust 4, 2009
Obama sends Bill Clinton to North KoreaAugust 4, 2009
Obama's war on Sherrif Joe ArpaioAugust 4, 2009
Reimagining GovernmentAugust 4, 2009
Obama's national security policy missteps may doom Greg CraigAugust 4, 2009
Homegrown, Made in the USA JihadAugust 4, 2009
The White House even games citizen's correspondenceAugust 4, 2009
Who's the rude one?August 3, 2009
The Heat is OnAugust 3, 2009
Media Matters Firing up Anti-Birther MachineAugust 3, 2009
LA mulls spending federal money for Canadian circusAugust 3, 2009
Obama channels Robert A. HeinleinAugust 3, 2009
Can the Schadenfreude - Part 3August 3, 2009
Boo-hoo, poor Mary Robinson thinks she is 'bullied' (updated)August 3, 2009
New York Times notes AT blog on Obama body language with Gates and Crowley (updated)August 3, 2009
Don't Let Sleeping Blue Dogs LieAugust 3, 2009
Softening up the Middle Class for the Coming Tax HikeAugust 3, 2009
Welcome Gitmo Prisoners to the US!August 3, 2009
Jobless grad sues collegeAugust 3, 2009
Rahmbo browbeat network heads to carry Obama's health care presserAugust 3, 2009
Raising taxes on the wealthy will mean less revenueAugust 3, 2009
Geithner lies - hope diesAugust 2, 2009
Letter of complaintAugust 2, 2009
Anti-Birthers are Beginning to WorryAugust 2, 2009
Barack Obama, laughingstockAugust 2, 2009
Cash for clunkers picks winners and losersAugust 2, 2009
Anti-Czar bill introducedAugust 2, 2009
Richard Baehr interviewAugust 2, 2009
Media Matters desperate to discredit embarrassing Obama photoAugust 2, 2009
'Why Israel is Nervous'August 2, 2009
Dems considering the 'Armageddon option' on health careAugust 2, 2009
Rubin on Eric Holder's Justice DepartmentAugust 2, 2009
Debunking myths about our 'lousy' health care systemAugust 2, 2009
Did Sarah Palin just 'Pwn' the media with divorce rumors?August 1, 2009
When Obama waits for the factsAugust 1, 2009
Meet the CzarsAugust 1, 2009
Who really selected Mary Robinson for the Presidential Medal of Freedom?August 1, 2009
'Dear Skip...'August 1, 2009
Malthus, Obama, and AT's James LewisAugust 1, 2009
Second installment of Claremont's Greenfield interview with AT's Ed LaskyAugust 1, 2009
Waxman, liberals, strong arm health care through committeeAugust 1, 2009
Can Obama stand the gaff?August 1, 2009
Who wasn't invited to White House Beer Fest?August 1, 2009
Carl Icahn's Obama Prophecy Coming TrueAugust 1, 2009
What To Ask Your Congressperson About Obamacare (Part 7 of 7)
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