An All Too Familiar Pattern from POTUS

Last night's press conference followed a path that we should all be familiar with by now:

• It's an emergency! We have to pass this NOW!
Where have we heard this before? It is the Democratic SOP to cry wolf and then insist that legislation be passed without being read. Don't let that crisis go to waste!

• It's the Republicans fault!
OMG. The Democrats have a majority that allows them to effectively silence the Republicans on every single issue. And now it's those stubborn Republicans that are keeping the Democrats from saving the American public. How stupid do we have to be to even listen to this one?

• They're after me personally.
This was used against Limbaugh, Hannity, Palin, etc. until we all started to recognize the Alinsky pattern: personalize and attack. It's not about the issues, it's about personal attacks on the ONE. This is a look-over-here tactic that the Democrats use to change the subject of the discussion from the issues to "they're against me" Obama.

• And finally: You're racist.
All else has failed to get enough votes to push the Democratic majority into voting for government nationalization of healthcare. So, let's remind America of how racist you all are by citing (incorrectly it would seem) an incident in Massachusetts that, on the surface, looks like it could be racist. (Investigation shows that the officer in the case was clearly acting appropriately.) This is nothing but another "look over there" tactic to take the discussion away from the issues at hand.

When will the rest of the American public wake up?

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