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June 28, 2009
You stay classy, John Kerry
Ever the flip flopper, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) decided he was against his joke regarding Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) after he was for it. Or something.
Mary Ann Akers, who writes The Sleuth, "Behind the Scenes in Washington" for the Washington Post , reports
Kerry's spokeswoman now tells The Sleuth the senator really didn't mean what he said, though his clarification would hardly qualify as an apology.
"We stand corrected, the truth is every Democrat hopes Governor Palin is in the public eye for a long, long time, especially on the 2012 presidential ballot,"
Kerry spokeswoman Jodi Seth says. "Lately it's been Vice President Cheney that everyone hopes would lose the cameras and go for a long leisurely hike on the Appalachian Trail. And good grief, if anyone thinks John Kerry is afraid of strong, smart women, they sure haven't met his brilliant wife and two independent daughters. It sounds like getting crushed these last two election cycles cost some of these Republicans their sense of humor."
We'll see how funny Palin finds this.
Palin, busy visiting American troops in Kosovo, especially those from Alaska, has more important things to do than worry about Kerry. But not one to hold a grudge, Palin has sympathy for Kerry.
"He looked quite frustrated and he looked so sad," she said. "I just wanted to reach out to the TV and say 'John Kerry, why the long face?'," she concluded.
Real Clear Politics has the video of Palin talking to the troops. And not once did she infer they were inferior like you know who.
And former Vice President Cheney probably has a similar reaction.