June 10, 2009
Thomas Friedman and the 'Grasshopper Generation'
It is fascinating for Tom Friedman, New York Times columnist, to disparage his own generation as "the grasshopper generation, eating through just about everything like hungry locusts." The preachy Mr. Friedman might want to start at home.
Not only his wife an heiress of the Bucksbaum family which took out hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars over the years from the publicly-held corporation they founded (General growth Properties) before it was thrown into bankruptcy due to sky high debt levels, but Friedman and his family live in baronial splendor in an "palatial 11,400 square foot house...on a 7 ½ acre parcel just blocks from..Bethesda Country Club".
From a neighbor of his:
I lived within shouting distance of Friedman. Take a look at the carbon footprint this guy leaves. He lives on about seven acres -- it was once the home site of a prominent Washington attorney...The house sits on a hill with a great view and a western exposure. Friedman bought the house from the late lawyer's family about five years ago, tore down the huge older house and constructed an [over 11,000] square foot residence, with 7.5 bathrooms, on the hilltop. It is beautifully landscaped, as you can tell from the aerial/satellite photographs, and the foliage likely requires a lot of water. The property is listed on the tax rolls for [well over $9,000,000]. It makes me feel better that those who preach environmentalism practice such a modest intrusion on the environment itself. (HT: Powerline)
For those who enjoy luxury porn, here is a photo of his spread (or one of them):

The grasshopper generation..eating through everything like hungry locusts. That is truly the pot calling the kettle black.