SCOTUS overturns Sotomayor on Ricci (updated)
On a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court overturned the Ricci case, in which white firefirefighters were denied promotion because not enough minorities passed it the promotion exam.
It is good the Court ruled against targeting white males for discrimination. But the bad news is that 4 justices disagree, with Sotomayor haviung decided with the minority at the appellate court level.
Update: People for the American Way is worried and playing defense. This case can be summarized as: "Is it okay to deny white guys because minorities don't perform on exams?"
The left's answer is, essentially, "Yes, as long as the judges say so." Which brings the conversation to Sonia Sotomayor. Should we appoint another jstice who thinks it's fine to penalize white guys for the poor test performance of minorities.
Hard to see a vote to confirm her as a plus for a lot of senators with this question prominent in the hearings.
Update: 300 new boxes of Sotomayor materials discovered, and Mitch McConnell demands more tie to examine them. Via Roll Call: