Political Anagrams

Enjoy Father's Day with some anagram silliness.

George Bush:  He bugs Gore.

Al Gore:  Lo, rage.

John Stacy McCain:  Manic John ends icy.

John Kerry:  Horny jerk.

William Clinton:  Can limit no will.

Ronald Reagan:  No darn gal era.

Nancy Pelosi:  Play nice, son.

Hillary Clinton:  Lay troll, inch in.

Sarah Palin:  A sharp nail.

Joe Biden:  I need job.

Michael Moore:  Oh, more malice.

Sonia Sotomayor:  Moos snooty aria.

Nicolas Sarkozy:  Oozy carnal kiss.

Barack Hussein Obama:  His anus aroma be back.

Anagrams found by Randall Michael Hoven (Hard loin caveman hell) with some online help .
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