Obama and the Bad Villagers

The U.N. General Assembly has just condemned the ouster of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya. In addition, the world body insisted that the 192 U.N. member states shun recognition of any replacement government in Honduras.

On Monday, President Barack Obama also insisted that Zelaya is still "the democratically elected president" of Honduras:

"It would be a terrible precedent if we start moving backwards into the era in which we are seeing military coups as a means of political transition rather than democratic elections."

In sum, what we have according to many news outlets is an "avalanche" of world opinion directed against those trying to protect the Honduran Constitution.  For the U.N to side with Zelaya is hardly surprising, but to have President Obama issuing an opinion on what constitutes democracy in Honduras is, given the facts, quite incredible.

In a devastating essay over at the Wall Street Journal, Mary Anastasia O'Grady reminds us all about some simple and crucial Constitutional details curiously missing from the latest liberal reporting on Honduras:

"While Honduran law allows for a constitutional rewrite, the power to open that door does not lie with the president.  A constituent assembly can only be called through a national referendum approved by its Congress."

Therefore, Mr. Zelaya's attempt to create his own referendum, complete with Venezuelan ballots, was clearly a violation of his country's Constitution.  What else was the Honduran Supreme Court supposed to conclude?  For the American president Barack Obama to paint broad and clumsy strokes about "democratic elections" without mentioning Zelaya's blatant disregard for Honduran law is both outrageous and frightening.  His refusal to lend support for those courageous Hondurans defending the law is also inexcusable.

Long ago in ancient China the philosopher Confucius was once asked how he would feel if everyone in the village liked him.  Confucius said "not too good."  When the disciple asked Confucius about everyone in the village hating him Confucius said he wouldn't feel good either.  Addressing his perplexed disciple Confucius said he'd rather be hated by the bad people in the village and loved by the good people.

Barack Obama has a curious record in his political career siding with some pretty unsavory characters.  His response to events in Iran and Honduras only extends this curiosity.  With Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez on your side, what kinds of people in the village are supporting you?  The good people of Honduras on the other hand want to defend their Constitution.
Isn't there anyone over at the U.N. willing to defend Honduras?  Where are the good villagers?  

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