Champions of the World

If the Left's arrogance had to be found on a map, Robert Gibbs's response to a speech given this week by George W. Bush would be the ‘X' that marked the spot.

Wednesday, Bush gave a speech at a dinner for the Manufacturers' and Business Association, and while he avoided directly criticizing his successor in the Oval Office, he made some eye-opening remarks.

"Government does not create wealth. The major role for the government is to create an environment where people take risks to expand the job rate in the United States."


"I'll just tell you that there are people at Gitmo that will kill American people at a drop of a hat and I don't believe that -- persuasion isn't going to work. Therapy isn't going to cause terrorists to change their mind."

Tip your hat to Bush, nearly six months after the finality of his presidency, he now sounds like a conservative -- maybe he secretly went to a tea party in Dallas.

Ok, laugh out loud, but let's move on because this isn't about Bush.

In response to the speech, the White House's presumptuous mouthpiece, Robert Gibbs, discredited the former president's comments and reminded us of the debate that was had during the last presidential election and the ultimate result.

"We kept score last November, and we won," Gibbs said.

The epitome of class, or lack thereof, but we've heard this "we won" decree from the Left before.

Remember when his boss told the Republicans back in January "I won"?

Remember the attitude of the far-Left radicals in Congress during the construction of the failed "stimulus package"?

They flew solo to write that albatross piece of legislation under the premise that since they won the election, only they received the privilege to write bills.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the Left hoisting their championship belts from the previous two election cycles. Their presidential campaign was victorious due to an illusory platform left open to interpretation, one that allowed the public to paint a better picture of a "New America" than their candidate could have painted himself.  In fact, he had to misrepresent his agenda to reach the Oval Office and now we know exactly what the words hope and change mean. Yes, they won the election, but they're losing the country.

The problem is the Left believes that this nation is a game or prize to be won and a victorious election cycle is a mandate to do whatever the hell they see fit, the rest of us be damned. We don't side with them on the radicalization of our economy, national security, healthcare, and foreign policy, but they know better than us common folk so they're going to continue moving forward anyway.

What the citizens of this nation need is a government that is truly representative of the people, not their own rationalism. I don't care what the name of that party of representatives is, but as long as they demonstrate a true love for this country and an avoidance to burden our society with the government's nimiety, then we can all take some advice from the current president.

Don't boo the Left, vote against them.
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