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May 17, 2009
'Torture photos' cause outrage
Ari David at Big Hollywood has the story and gruesome photos:
A citizen of Siam (Thailand) was recently captured on American soil with trace amounts of an unknown chemical agent. Due to homeland security policy, the foreign national was examined. The trace elements seemed to contain a high level of ammonia felinas, a chemical the EPA recently classified as a toxic greenhouse gas in its vapor state and an eye inflamitant (sp?) in its solid state.After initial traces were found, the foreign national then distributed a large amount of ammonia felinas into the bed of an American citizen who called in a haz-mat squad and department of Homeland Security (DHS) personnel to apprehend the foreign national and interrogate her for more information about the offense.Here's the dangerous suspect:
The torture is gruesome indeed.
Oh! The humanity!
More torture pictures at the link.