American Thinker Blog
May 31, 2009
When Pravda Calls Us Communists...May 31, 2009
Tales of the new American nomenklaturaMay 31, 2009
Oppression Liberators Need not ApplyMay 31, 2009
More doubts about Obama on the leftMay 31, 2009
Homogenizing 'Hispanics'May 31, 2009
Obama's America: There's no place like homelessnessMay 31, 2009
P.J. O'Rourke on Detroit's DownfallMay 31, 2009
Some good news from PakistanMay 31, 2009
Media infatuation with ObamaMay 31, 2009
Israel to US: Stop favoring the PalestiniansMay 31, 2009
The Most Expensive Date Night in HistoryMay 30, 2009
The dream of limitless energy supplliesMay 30, 2009
Joni Mitchell: the accidental conservative?May 30, 2009
Judge Sotomayor and Higher LearningMay 30, 2009
Who pressured Justice to drop case against voter intimidation in Philly?May 30, 2009
Obama seeks to stifle criticism of stim billMay 30, 2009
What Obama learned about US intelligence at a burger jointMay 30, 2009
How Lawmakers use Tax dollars to fund lavish lifestylesMay 30, 2009
Obama's broken promises start to cost him on the leftMay 30, 2009
A sign of the timesMay 30, 2009
State Department may designate Iranian militia a terrorist groupMay 30, 2009
Patriotism in the Age of ObamaMay 29, 2009
Sotomayor's minority credMay 29, 2009
Democrat EmpathyMay 29, 2009
Identity Politics and the Sotomayor nominationMay 29, 2009
Obama's vanishing gray hairMay 29, 2009
Congratulations Taxpayers! You're on the hook for $55 grand to pay off ObamanomicsMay 29, 2009
Great videoMay 29, 2009
McAuliffe tried to bribe Nader to stay off key ballots in 2004May 29, 2009
The Shot That Changed A RepublicMay 29, 2009
Burris story: From sleazy to surrealMay 29, 2009
Alarmist Scientists Compare Climate Change to Thermonuclear WarfareMay 29, 2009
Good news, bad news on the Charter School frontMay 29, 2009
Krauthammer's 'teaching moment' on SotomayorMay 29, 2009
The Context of Sotomayor's ideas on raceMay 28, 2009
Kyle-Anne Shiver on the airMay 28, 2009
Let the Sun Shine! AgainMay 28, 2009
While Hollywood sang Obama's praisesMay 28, 2009
Car Czar and Chrysler dealer terminationsMay 28, 2009
Burris is incapable of being truthfulMay 28, 2009
John Bolton, prophetMay 28, 2009
Cue the laugh track: Sotomayor 'saved' baseballMay 28, 2009
Obama's NSA - NoKo's no 'imminent threat' -- then why raise alert level?May 28, 2009
Environmentalists meet, promote business activityMay 28, 2009
Dealergate: The plot thickensMay 28, 2009
Coercion: In Spite of the Will of the PeopleMay 28, 2009
Would all parties receive fair treatment from Justice Sotomayor?May 28, 2009
Nationalized Health Care Threatens America's FutureMay 28, 2009
Newsweek on why we should trust IranMay 27, 2009
Sotomayor avoided public schoolsMay 27, 2009
WaPo: Obama now owns Air Force OneMay 27, 2009
When government runs businesses, consumers loseMay 27, 2009
The high stakes for Sotomayor's nominationMay 27, 2009
More evidence emerges that Chrysler Dealer closings was politically motivatedMay 27, 2009
The Union's Pyrrhic Victory Over CapitalismMay 27, 2009
Secretary Ray Lahood, Meet Friedrich HayekMay 27, 2009
Sotomayor overturned 60% of the time by SupremesMay 27, 2009
No light at the end of the tunnel for Housing disasterMay 27, 2009
Surprise! Tapes show Burris offering to give Blago money for senate seatMay 27, 2009
Conservatives divided on tactics in opposing SotomayorMay 27, 2009
Terrorist recidivism and GitmoMay 27, 2009
Ayers/Dorhn and the politics of raceMay 26, 2009
SCOTUS talk on Moran's show tonightMay 26, 2009
California Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage BanMay 26, 2009
Trouble for cradle of social welfare state policiesMay 26, 2009
Transportation Secretary: 'Coerce People Out of Their Cars'May 26, 2009
Double standards in Canada on presidential assassination fantasyMay 26, 2009
Time to Remember an Obama PromiseMay 26, 2009
Justice, ethnicity, immigration status, and empathyMay 26, 2009
Is Big Oil behind Global Warming Scaremongering?May 26, 2009
Explosive allegations in Hariri case; it was Hezb'allahMay 26, 2009
SCOTUS pick: It's a Sonia!May 26, 2009
NoKo's fire two more test missiles - for good measureMay 26, 2009
Did Chrysler play politics with dealer closings?May 26, 2009
'Is Obama another Jimmy Carter?'May 26, 2009
The early summer of our discontentMay 25, 2009
More Evidence of Saddam-Al Qaeda LinksMay 25, 2009
The Axis of Evil Tortures ObamaMay 25, 2009
Obama's Season of FearMay 25, 2009
Actions have consequencesMay 25, 2009
Obama Reaches the Limits of His Oratorical ProwessMay 25, 2009
Blog Tributes to the FallenMay 25, 2009
Nancy Pelosi: Elected women are more ethical than elected menMay 25, 2009
Will GOP Senators stand up against Obama SCOTUS pick?May 25, 2009
Fleet Week in NYCMay 25, 2009
The Wages of Appeasement: 2nd NoKo Nuke TestMay 25, 2009
A preview of ObamacareMay 25, 2009
What we celebrate todayMay 24, 2009
Bipartisan Team to Destroy Sanctity of ContractsMay 24, 2009
What's Wrong With These Pictures?May 24, 2009
Labor unions pressure Wall Street on ending secret ballots for unionizationMay 24, 2009
Planet Obama: Where Hitler spoke Austrian and Churchill didn't tortureMay 24, 2009
Double Speak and the EconomyMay 24, 2009
Obama's 'Overleveraged' presidencyMay 24, 2009
Pak army fighting in 'Taliban city'May 24, 2009
Fiat Frets about ChryslerMay 24, 2009
Obama's strawmen finally noticed by the pressMay 24, 2009
More ironic juxtapositioning from ObamaMay 24, 2009
Father-Son tag team in AlbanyMay 23, 2009
Obama's verbal onanismMay 23, 2009
It's not going to be prettyMay 23, 2009
Business as usual in corrupt Illinois politicsMay 23, 2009
Obama Blames 7 Straw Men for Being 'out of money'May 23, 2009
Ode to the Indiana Teacher's Union (a poem)May 23, 2009
Operation Gratitude in Facebook Face-off for TroopsMay 23, 2009
Obama: 'We're out of money'May 23, 2009
Reagan statue to be erected in front of US Embassy in LondonMay 23, 2009
Welcoming the CastrosMay 23, 2009
Obama aide: Hey! Not our job to reduce abortionsMay 23, 2009
Joan Baez: Free speech for me, but not for thee?May 23, 2009
New York terrorists: a cautionary tale for moving Gitmo detainees hereMay 23, 2009
Pelosi: 'I stand by my lies'May 23, 2009
Another Mark Steyn GemMay 22, 2009
First Round KnockoutMay 22, 2009
Minneapolis Imam on 'the hell of living in America'May 22, 2009
The era of state-controlled mediaMay 22, 2009
'Speed Reader' latest Democratic gimmickMay 22, 2009
Telegraph:Cheney Lands 10 Solid Punches to Obama's JawMay 22, 2009
Can Newt ride the anti-establishment mood into the White House?May 22, 2009
Obama vs. Cheney: Man vs. ManchildMay 22, 2009
Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s 'unique synergy' with his wifeMay 22, 2009
Forty Two years ago todayMay 22, 2009
Kyle-Anne Shiver on KSFO FridayMay 21, 2009
Losing the war in IraqMay 21, 2009
NYT admits error on NetanyahuMay 21, 2009
The CultMay 21, 2009
American Idol: Underdogma Strikes AgainMay 21, 2009
He Who Must Not Be Laughed At (a poem)May 21, 2009
NYT admits 'lax' on ethics reporting issueMay 21, 2009
It's going to get worse, says FedMay 21, 2009
Lomborg's 'Climate-Industrial Complex'May 21, 2009
How's that attack on capitalism working out for teacher unions?May 21, 2009
Arpaio Gets The Money Napolitano Took From HimMay 21, 2009
1 in 7 freed Gitmo detainees go back to terrorism: Pentagon reportMay 21, 2009
Obama Backtracks on Threat to CaliforniaMay 21, 2009
Will Obama give California 'The Geithner Treatment?'May 21, 2009
Gibbs blurts out the truth about the administration's decision on GitmoMay 21, 2009
Authorities arrest 4 home grown terrorists in New York city plotMay 20, 2009
Waiting for Obama's Godot?May 20, 2009
Cooling off on WarmingMay 20, 2009
Hersh gets HershedMay 20, 2009
In the eye of the beholderMay 20, 2009
Obama presidency summed up in two sentencesMay 20, 2009
Texas Senate approves guns on campusMay 20, 2009
The end of the 'American Car'May 20, 2009
Senate Dems refuse to allocate money to close GitmoMay 20, 2009
Netanyahu Agrees To The Two-State SolutionMay 20, 2009
Second Amendment victory in the offingMay 20, 2009
California voters tell lawmakers, 'Make the hard choices'May 20, 2009
'Democrats' Assault on the CIA'May 19, 2009
Administration Targets Major Drug MakerMay 19, 2009
Obama at Notre DameMay 19, 2009
Obama's 'blood for oil' planMay 19, 2009
California's budget crisis even worse than admittedMay 19, 2009
Bibi came; he saw; and was conqueredMay 19, 2009
Pelosi got heads up from administration on Panetta memoMay 19, 2009
Letter from a Dodge dealerMay 19, 2009
CIA concerned it can't do its job on interrogationsMay 19, 2009
Memo to California: Cannabis is bad for your economy's healthMay 19, 2009
The reason American kids lag behind the world in mathMay 19, 2009
Dr. Barry Rubin on the future of American policy in the Middle EastMay 19, 2009
Wright and Ayers headline anti-Israeli hate festMay 19, 2009
Appointment of Mitchell aide means more trouble for IsraelMay 19, 2009
Thought for the dayMay 18, 2009
The Obama-Netanyahu SummitMay 18, 2009
Obama's Methodist Language at Notre DameMay 18, 2009
What did Bibi tell Obama? (updated)May 18, 2009
'Paradox' of carbon cap and trade dawns on German warmistsMay 18, 2009
The futility of soaking the richMay 18, 2009
Oh joy: Pakistan adding nukes to its stockpileMay 18, 2009
Boehner to Pelosi: Put up or shut upMay 18, 2009
New York Taxpayers voting with their feetMay 18, 2009
Rattner's $15 million 'share the pain' summer homeMay 18, 2009
'When Bibi met Obama'May 18, 2009
Pelosi a no-show on Sunday gab festsMay 18, 2009
How Did Bush Do This?May 17, 2009
Airman saves airlinerMay 17, 2009
Marin County turning against "green energy"May 17, 2009
ElBaradei: strike on Iran nukes 'completely insane'May 17, 2009
It's Not Easy Being GreenMay 17, 2009
New NIC chief tapped?May 17, 2009
Another overblown warmist scare on the trash heapMay 17, 2009
'Torture photos' cause outrageMay 17, 2009
Blabbermouth Biden blurts out location of secret bunkerMay 17, 2009
2002 statement by Pelosi casts further doubt on her claimsMay 17, 2009
Jimi Hendrix, the right-wing flower child?May 17, 2009
Obamacare to cost at least $1 trillion over next 10 yearsMay 17, 2009
Sister Pelosi meets a Water BoardMay 16, 2009
'Thugs' Prey on 'Endangered' BirdsMay 16, 2009
When is 'brutal' not 'brutal'?May 16, 2009
Obama invests in T Bills, inks book dealMay 16, 2009
Chrysler having trouble driving off the lotMay 16, 2009
Winter Soldier embarasses DemsMay 16, 2009
Climate Change legislation won't reduce emissionsMay 16, 2009
Gore tries to close another debateMay 16, 2009
No US deadline for progress in Iran talksMay 16, 2009
Irony so thick you can use it as pancake syrupMay 16, 2009
Pelosi hits bottom - keeps diggingMay 16, 2009
Utah Governor Huntsman named Ambassador to ChinaMay 16, 2009
Axelrod: Prejean is a dogMay 15, 2009
WaPo cleanses Jews from NazarethMay 15, 2009
Obama Chutzpa, Deflection By ReflectionMay 15, 2009
The latest federal takeover (satire)May 15, 2009
Liberal Fantasyland (continued)May 15, 2009
Israel to let Obama know if it attacks IranMay 15, 2009
NYT looking particularly ridiculous todayMay 15, 2009
Obama's nose grows another couple of inchesMay 15, 2009
Glacial progress of stim funds leaves opening for GOPMay 15, 2009
MSNBC Calls for International Savage BanMay 15, 2009
A political style campaign for health insurance boondoggleMay 15, 2009
Bush's 3rd term continuedMay 15, 2009
Loving New York in AfghanistanMay 15, 2009
More Carbon: The Only Answer to Global FreezingMay 15, 2009
Whose Senate Indeed...May 15, 2009
Friday Tales From 57 States: A Week of JocularityMay 14, 2009
Underground IranMay 14, 2009
Obama, Fast LearnerMay 14, 2009
Obama as Marc AntonyMay 14, 2009
Could California interest you in buying a bridge?May 14, 2009
Sheltering pedophilesMay 14, 2009
The NYT looking for life supportMay 14, 2009
Unionized States of AmericaMay 14, 2009
Pelosi accuses the CIA of lying to herMay 14, 2009
Boston Globe union on suicide watchMay 14, 2009
The Left's Forgotten ManMay 14, 2009
Did uncounted overseas ballots give the lead to Franken in Minnesota?May 14, 2009
Obama, Detainee Photos, and Vanity ArsonMay 14, 2009
'Right wing extremist' report withdrawnMay 14, 2009
Obama to Bibi: No surprises on IranMay 14, 2009
The company we keepMay 14, 2009
Cook County's Stroger a tax deadbeatMay 14, 2009
Issue trends tilt toward GOPMay 14, 2009
San Francisco reinstates Junior ROTC programMay 14, 2009
America 2035 (a poem)May 13, 2009
Did Obama Open Pandora's Box?May 13, 2009
ObamalogicMay 13, 2009
Smith, Barney, and ObamaMay 13, 2009
Meanwhile, back in the physical economyMay 13, 2009
Afghanistan: Obama's Vietnam?May 13, 2009
Socialized medicine at work: 10 hour ambulance waitMay 13, 2009
The Circle of Life in GazaMay 13, 2009
How's Obama's foreclosure policy working out?May 13, 2009
Democrats say CIA out to get themMay 13, 2009
Tales of the labor bossesMay 13, 2009
Incredible. FAA approves stimulus funds for Murtha's ghost airportMay 13, 2009
Durban II swag bagMay 13, 2009
Hey Hawaii: About 'Islam Day' (Updated)May 13, 2009
Is Vertical Central Planning Our Future?May 12, 2009
Jen Rubin, Jazz Shaw on Moran's Show TonightMay 12, 2009
The big shakedownMay 12, 2009
The Audacity of HopeMay 12, 2009
OverreachMay 12, 2009
Duh - Obama's budget means massive increase in federal workforceMay 12, 2009
The madness of cap and tradeMay 12, 2009
The risk of giving money to HamasMay 12, 2009
Multiple organ failure - what a hoot!May 12, 2009
A Kennedy may run for Illinois senate seatMay 12, 2009
Sanitizing a Palestinian harangue at the popeMay 12, 2009
Pelosi's pretzel logicMay 12, 2009
Edwards' staff and their misguided loyaltyMay 12, 2009
MSM ramps up anti-military biasMay 12, 2009
Obama's European Apology Tour: Next stop - DresdenMay 11, 2009
Time For Holder to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate the Leaks from OPRMay 11, 2009
Liberals and O's Afghanistan policyMay 11, 2009
Is the Gray Lady Making Amends to Jews?May 11, 2009
Charlie Crist running for Senate in FloridaMay 11, 2009
Hawaii hoodwinked into 9/11 Islam DayMay 11, 2009
A National Security Advisor who just doesn't get itMay 11, 2009
Roxana Saberi to be freedMay 11, 2009
Letterman writer: Obama 'too competent' to make jokes aboutMay 11, 2009
Taliban making inroads in PakistanMay 11, 2009
States divest from companies doing business with terroristsMay 11, 2009
In Obama White House, nepotism is alive and wellMay 11, 2009
A real 'bully pulpit'May 11, 2009
Of Golf and PoliticsMay 10, 2009
US Temperature Records Biased on High SideMay 10, 2009
Why so few convenience stores are robbed in IsraelMay 10, 2009
Helping urban youthMay 10, 2009
Sykes Hopes Limbaugh's Kidneys Fail - Obama LaughsMay 10, 2009
Sooner or Later the Price will be PaidMay 10, 2009
Obama Has Iran Problem BackwardMay 10, 2009
By Allah and the Five Year Plan!May 10, 2009
Hard truths loom as GM faces bankruptcyMay 10, 2009
Ill-Equipped Troops, Where's NYT's Outrage Now?May 10, 2009
Welcome to the Banana Republic ClubMay 10, 2009
NYT opposes urban beautification in one cityMay 9, 2009
Poppin-JayMay 9, 2009
In-N-Out Burger at a crossroads?May 9, 2009
Bye-bye sanctity of contractsMay 9, 2009
Saturday Tales From 57 States: The Great DistractionMay 9, 2009
Iraq backsliding thanks to Obama policiesMay 9, 2009
Ed Lasky on US-Israel deteriorating relationsMay 9, 2009
Dept. of Education cuts questionable linkMay 9, 2009
'What Congress Knew'May 9, 2009
$19 billion more down the Fannie Mae black holeMay 9, 2009
France offers glimpse of higher ed under ObamaMay 8, 2009
Feds Fund Study of Gay CaballerosMay 8, 2009
Obama's Grotesque ChoiceMay 8, 2009
Chavez seizes oil service companiesMay 8, 2009
Science You Can Believe InMay 8, 2009
Gitmo backlash plagues ObamaMay 8, 2009
Strings AttachedMay 8, 2009
US Jobless rate climbs to 8.9%May 8, 2009
Micro-Belt-TighteningMay 8, 2009
Of shoddy combat helmets and Democratic corruptionMay 8, 2009
Three Score and Four Years AgoMay 8, 2009
Governor Patrick's car giveaway (updated)May 8, 2009
The nutroots doesn't know Obama anymore than we doMay 8, 2009
Obama schools the press on how to report his 'budget cuts'May 8, 2009
Israel in perilMay 8, 2009
GM takes the $15 billion and runsMay 8, 2009
Elizabeth Edwards: EnablerMay 7, 2009
Pelosi lied about interrogation briefingMay 7, 2009
Congress Should Say Nuts to ACORN (updated)May 7, 2009
Obama, Israel, and IranMay 7, 2009
Obama's approval upMay 7, 2009
Warmist infighting reveals the folly of ethanolMay 7, 2009
Chrysler and the rule of lawMay 7, 2009
Finding the centerMay 7, 2009
The David Paterson comedy tourMay 7, 2009
Obama's choice for #2 Housing official accused of 'blatant violations' of open records lawsMay 7, 2009
Obama to observe National Prayer Day in privateMay 7, 2009
Surprise! New York Times hints the economy is getting betterMay 7, 2009
Obama might send 100 Gitmo detainees to the Saudis for 're-education'May 7, 2009
Murdoch: The days of free online newspapers is overMay 7, 2009
Oklahoma tries again with sovereignty measureMay 6, 2009
Subtraction By Addition, Obama StyleMay 6, 2009
Trivializing War CrimesMay 6, 2009
Free trade reboundsMay 6, 2009
Obama said to abrogate a secret agreement with IsraelMay 6, 2009
Missing the point on Middle East 'engagement'May 6, 2009
Obama, Hayek, Central Planning and DespotismMay 6, 2009
Global SomethingMay 6, 2009
Good news! Chrysler to stiff taxpayer for $7 billionMay 6, 2009
At least we'll end up sleeping more under ObamaMay 6, 2009
Digging deep to bail out irresponsible state governmentsMay 6, 2009
After reading this, you may actually feel sorry for New YorkersMay 6, 2009
Obama trying to stop union financial disclosureMay 6, 2009
Rice: No delay in peace talksMay 5, 2009
All American Thinker Night on Moran ShowMay 5, 2009
Israel suffers another blow from the Obama administrationMay 5, 2009
So much for Obama's 'transparency'May 5, 2009
France takes first place in avg. hours of sleepMay 5, 2009
And Now--The CIA's War on Obama?May 5, 2009
Criminal charges filed against ACORN and two employeesMay 5, 2009
White House asserts control over foreign policyMay 5, 2009
Riding high - for nowMay 5, 2009
Is the New York Times running the Hamas PR shop? (updated)May 5, 2009
NY Charter school teachers to union: Let my people goMay 5, 2009
Good news: Another trillion dollar entitlement on the wayMay 5, 2009
The Unvarnished Middle EastMay 4, 2009
Obama's Enron borrowing strategyMay 4, 2009
Iran Can 'Wipe Israel Out of Existence' in 11 DaysMay 4, 2009
Obama's Ethical Toggle SwitchMay 4, 2009
Tales From 57 States: The Elephant StampedeMay 4, 2009
Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gasMay 4, 2009
Obama: In debt we TrustMay 4, 2009
Obama's high tech campaign sweatshopMay 4, 2009
Edwards campaign being investigated by FedsMay 4, 2009
Obama Iran policy a 'fantasy' says NewtMay 4, 2009
Climate change bill in troubleMay 4, 2009
Are Pakistani nukes safe?May 4, 2009
Specter: Republicans killed KempMay 4, 2009
The Boston Globe: Thanks for the memories, PinchMay 3, 2009
Comments you never want to make to a coworkerMay 3, 2009
March Turns Deadly in IraqMay 3, 2009
Obama's Whack-a-Mole PoliticsMay 3, 2009
'Environmentalism' Dying?May 3, 2009
Jimmy Carter reported to accept coca invitation from Evo MoralesMay 3, 2009
Pinch Sulzberger grovels before his PatronMay 3, 2009
No Social Security COLA for this year or nextMay 3, 2009
Ahem, Mr. President - about those 150,000 jobs you said you created...May 3, 2009
Tea Party Patriots Group demands apology from DemocratsMay 3, 2009
Jack Kemp, RIPMay 3, 2009
Government by Thuggery - 'The Chicago Way'May 2, 2009
Obama +1 net approval on day 103May 2, 2009
Obama's Litmus TestMay 2, 2009
Saturday Tales From 57 States: His Obamaness and The ChryslerMay 2, 2009
Tenure won't mean much if the college goes bankruptMay 2, 2009
Just a tad tetchyMay 2, 2009
Another part of global warming theory 'topples'May 2, 2009
Another 'catch and release' incident with Somali piratesMay 2, 2009
Citibank needs another $10 billionMay 2, 2009
Times Editorial: 'Republicans want to kill you'May 2, 2009
Surprise! Obama may revive Military Tribunals at GitmoMay 2, 2009
FEC fines Al SharptonMay 2, 2009
Will the 'real' Bob Herbert, please stand up?May 1, 2009
1993 World Trade Prosecutor Calls Out Eric HolderMay 1, 2009
Notre Dame Pays for Picking ObamaMay 1, 2009
Pakistan doesn't waste a crisisMay 1, 2009
Charges to be dropped in AIPAC caseMay 1, 2009
Visualize Obama's budget cutsMay 1, 2009
Another GOP senator reported retiringMay 1, 2009
Senate rejects cramdown for homeownersMay 1, 2009
PETA to bring mini-hog farm to the CapitolMay 1, 2009
Souter to retire in June?May 1, 2009
BMI's brilliant marketing strategy (updated)May 1, 2009
Aren't you glad Sarah Palin isn't Vice President?May 1, 2009
Blagojevich nixes brothel deal
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