What media bias?

Michelle Malkin recommends this piece if you want to "lose 50 I.Q. points quickly." And indeed, the article by Sam Fullwood III writing in Politico (syndicated by Yahoo), is such a thumb-sucker that one would be hardpressed to find any news value in it.

But Fullwood does add to the ever lengthening list of columns that portray Obama as someone larger than life - in this case, a hipster:

This much is clear: Whether dealing with the Wall Street mess, shifting troops from Iraq to Afghanistan or fumbling to fill his Cabinet, Obama leans heavily on personal panache to push political policies. Truth be told, his style is rooted in something elusive and hard to define. Pure and simple, it's hip.

"Being hip is being able to navigate your environment and others' environments," like the way Obama traverses racial boundaries, said John Leland, author of the definitive book "Hip: The History."

"Obama has this awareness that other presidents haven't had. He's white, and he's black. He's an elitist, and he's regular folk. He's not pinned down to a perspective."

Young is to hip as old is to fogey - an essential characteristic. Obama has modern instincts and attitudes that appeal to younger people, and more than any other president in recent memory, that makes him a role model. He is green, open, athletic, tech-savvy, healthy. And his hip image certainly isn't hurt by his wife, who is so obviously cool - setting trends (Sleeveless! Tending her own garden!), confidently mingling with superstars, gracing magazine covers coast to coast.

This fellow may know "hip" (the "definitive" book on hip? Oh my.), but he doesn't know history.

The oldest president in American history was wildly popular among those under 25 years old at the time in 1980.  After Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air whose obvious good humor and optimism was like a tonic to young people who had been told for years that they would have to make do in an America that wasn't as good as the one their daddy's lived in. Yes, there were the usual liberal young who despised him, but some may forget that this was the heyday of Young Republicans and the Young Americans for Freedom. Membership in those groups skyrocketed during the Reagan years.

I find Obama's casual approach to the office disrespectful myself. But then, I'm just an old fogey and not "hip" like all those Obama worshippers.

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