Question for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

In the Los Angeles Times today:

"Clinton defended the administration's position last week before Congress. She said that the United States supports and funds the Lebanese government, even though it includes members of Hezbollah, another militant group on the U.S. terrorist list.

She contended that the United States should try to gradually change the attitudes of Hamas members, as it did with militants in Northern Ireland, where it helped broker a deal that included the Irish Republican Army, even though not all of its members agreed."

A question for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

I assume that the Secretary of State knows that Article 7  of the Hamas Charter  "O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" came from hadith Bukhari (Vol 4, Book 52, No. 177) and quotes Prophet Muhammad?

Does the Secretary of State by saying "the United States should try to gradually change the attitudes of Hamas members" actually mean that she expects Hamas members to renege on the Prophet Muhammad?
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