MSM Now Ignores American War Casualties
During the Bush administration, the MSM often and somberly reported the deaths of American military personnel. Today they’re largely silent.
The death of American service personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan was big news during the Bush administration. For example, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer once followed the body count with accountant-like specificity, particularly as round numbers approached. Two-thousand dead, three thousand killed, now thirty-five hundred…went his tabulation, always delivered with appropriate solemnity.
Since February 1, 2009, 85 U.S. military personnel have died in the Iraq (29) -- Afghanistan (56) theater of war. Occasionally, we’re told of casualties, but certainly not with the drum-beat, repetitive regularity employed by the MSM before Obama was elected.
Before the election, news outlets lobbied for permission to take photos of flag-draped coffins on their way back to the States. They’ve seem to have lost interest in that issue.
So what do we make of this sudden diminution of interest on the part of the MSM in our honored dead soldiers, Marines, sailors and Air Force personnel? It’s a mystery.