Kristof's strange silence on Darfur (Updated)

Nicholas Kristof has made a career out of the suffering in Darfur. He won a Pulitzer Prize for his constant coverage of the tragedy that has unfolded to the people of Darfur: the attacks, the man-made starvation, the Holocaust that are all being perpetrated by Sudanese President  Omar Bashir.

He spent years attacking President Bush for failure to prevent this tragedy from occurring. Meanwhile, we are approaching the hundred-day mark of President Obama's presidency and so far has been less than muscular in dealing with Sudan.

He has praised Islam repeatedly as a religion deserving high praise and respect-a nod to the very regimes that are protecting Sudan. Even worse, he has embraced the United Nations, despite its fecklessness in the face of the Sudanese butchery. Now, President Obama has made moves to join the UN Human Rights Council-a group that the Third World has dominated (structurally, such dominance is baked in since membership is determined by regional blocs). The Council has served to protect Sudan all these years

One will search in vain for any commentary from Nicholas Kristof on this President and his policy-or lack thereof - (other than some vague rhetoric) regarding the ongoing atrocities in Sudan.

Why the silence, Mr. Kristof?


Rich Baehr adds:

The Arab league just feted Sudan's head at their meeting. Kristof has backed the Arab League peace plan with Israel. So is he with them on Sudan too?

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