Is Susan Rosegen CNN's biggest hack?


Susan Rosegen, the CNN reporter who argued Obama talking points to a Tea Party demonstrator she was supposedly interviewing yesterday, offers a teachable moment on CNN and MSM bias. Mark Hemingway of NRO discovered a 2006  Newsbusters report on her contrasting behavior at a lefty demonstration:

A protester wearing a George W. Bush mask, complete with a colored in Hitler-esque mustache and red horns attached to the forehead was deemed a Bush "look-alike" by reporter Susan Roesgen ... It was then that the demonstrator wearing the Bush mask was highlighted on camera, while Roesgen narrated, "But while a look-alike showed up with a wad of cash, Mr. Bush did not." The "wad of cash" in the demonstrator's hand was actually several phony dollar bills mocking the Bush administration.

Roesgen didn't bother angrily confronting that protester who compared the President to Hitler when Bush was in office. No, she used them as a prop to illustrate her story. Double standard much?

Of course, this is the same Susan Roesgen whose report on Obama speaking at Notre Dame observed that Obama "leans pro-choice" and later said to Wolf Blitzer, "Can you believe that, Wolf, they're actually praying that God will change the heart and mind of President Obama to make him pro-life?"

Even The Daily Show singled Roesgen out for special ridicule.... 


The American Spectator contrasts Rosegen's objections to Obama-Hitler comparisons with her dismissal of Bush-Satan comparisons.

The woman is a laughingstock.

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