Sulzberger seismology: Bringing up baby

Last November, AT informed readers that Pinch Sulzberger quietly moved his son Arthur Gregg Sulzberger into the New York Times Company, after the heir had served an apprenticeship of sorts with the Portland Oregonian. Now, Gawker updates us on the scion's care and feeding. Nolan Hamilton writes:

Brash young blogger Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, son of NYT publisher Pinch Sulzberger, got a real co-byline in the newspaper today! Apparently the Times has assigned the 28 year-old heirreporter some journo-chaperones. ....

Perusing a list of his stories so far, we see:

-Most of them are entries on the City Room blog, as you would expect.
-A large percentage of his stories are co-bylines shared with either Jennifer 8 Lee or Sewell Chan, the two stars of the Metro desk.

How nice for the young man to get training from skilled journalists who had the poor judgment to be born into ordinary families, rather than the hereditary nobility at the Times. They must feel privileged.

Meanwhile, the poor boy must wonder if the paper will survive under family ownership long enough for him to ascend to the throne, as his father and grandfather did before him. F. Scott Fitzgerald's line about the rich being different from you and me comes to mind. However, given how badly Pinch has tanked the company's stock price, the Sulzbergers are not necessarily that rich any more.

The company's true diversity policy is is in evidence here, too. Notice that this generation has G. as his middle initial instead of O.

Hat tip: Susan L.
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