Serpent Head

He claims to be a Cajun -- a Louisianan's son,

But no self respecting Cajun would lie as he has done.

He took the American people -- took us for a bunch of fools,

He used us, and his boy Clinton, as his pliant tools.

"It's the economy, Stupid" first designed to instill fear.

A week after this election, this Cajun filled our ear:

"In recession for two years now ...

Must be W's fault somehow."...

Why are they all Democrats?

Easy. They're a bunch of rats.

Here's another fine example of "defendant loves delay:"

The politics of Bill Clinton -- the man who paved the way

He used Miss Paula Jones to insult our trailer trash,

They vote for Clinton anyway ... guess he was just too brash?

My mom lived in a trailer house in her declining years.

Her disdain for "the Man from Hope" mov'd me to tears.

It is time for our lying boy to do an about face

And admit that Paula Jones never came near such a place.

"Fool me once. Shame on you! Once again. Shame on me!

They duped us like fishes in the deep sea.

Just how did they do it with such seeming ease?

They treated the symptoms, but grew the disease.

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