Obama takes huge risk in entering the NY 20 House race

Perhaps seeking to regain some luster to his presidency, Barack Obama has jumped into the political fray and endorsed Scott Murphy for Congress in NY 20th district.

In an email sent to around 50,000 supporters in the district, the president urged people to organize for the Democratic candidate who is running against Republican Jim Tedesco with the winner to take over the seat vacated when Kirsten Gillibrand was elevated to the senate:

Today I'm announcing my support for Scott Murphy, candidate for New York's 20th Congressional District," the email reads. "He's created jobs by building and growing small businesses while bringing people together to address difficult challenges. He supports the economic recovery plan we've put in place, and I know we can count on him as an ally for change.

"To restore our economy and build a foundation for lasting prosperity, I'll need Scott's help. This week, Scott needs yours. Sign up and pitch in to elect Scott Murphy to Congress.

Polls show a very tight race so this should be very interesting. RNC Chairman Michael Steele is throwing money and expertise into the race while national Republicans of every stripe have come out in support of the GOP candidate.

Now with Obama throwing the weight of his presidency behind Murphy, a defeat would cause great damage. This would lead me to believe that the White House's internal numbers on the race are pretty favorable to Murphy although in a special election, turnout is the big question mark.

Will Obamabots get out of their houses and vote for Murphy next Tuesday? If not, he and his surrogates will spend the next few days answering questions about why he entered the race in the first place and does a loss indicate a growing uneasiness with his policies.

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